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Andy (Formerly Apemann) gave a rating of 3

I find your work far too graphic and somewhat self-indulgent in its depictions of violence and bloodshed. It's actually rather annoying as you are a better story-teller than the stuff you submit. By that I mean that you tell good stories but (for me) overdo things by going for overkill rather than subtlety in your narrative and descriptions. You have the skills and talent to achieve much the same effect without the OTT descriptive passages. Honestly, they do not do you justice...

I would like to see you submit something that is less bloody and more interesting - and entertaining - to read. Blood, gore and the like have a limited shelf-life.

stanley  wilkin
stanley wilkin Andy, you have a point here but this is the story I chose to write. Although you describe it as OTT I think you are mistaken. This was written before ISIS, and, again, has been published several times. Domestic scenes also have an extremely limited shelf-life and for some lack vitality and significance. Again, you have in your head concepts of what stories should be or not be, limiting yourself and others. Is ISIS OTT? How much of the world have you actually seen? Andy, you do tend to be critica
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stanley  wilkin
stanley wilkin but you do seem to have concepts of writing and believe others must adhere to those concepts. How much have you actually read and read? Can you perhaps learn to think outside the box? Was the second world war OTT, and therefore not to be written about? A list of writers for you: Saul Bellow, Martin Amis, Hemingway, and a host of others touching on the wild and wonderful. Again, Andy try to do the same.
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Andy (Formerly Apemann)
Andy (Formerly Apemann) You really don't want critiques of your work EVERY comment that is perceived by you to be negative or critical has a defensive response. You need to grow a thicker skin and learn to take on board the fact that my reviews area PERSONAL OPINION only. They are not definitive nor do they speak for anybody else. If you put your work out there then expect honest reviews...

Your personal attacks on me are also tiresome. Why you feel the need to attack me personally is beyond my comprehension
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Andy (Formerly Apemann)
Andy (Formerly Apemann) as you absolutely NOTHING about me or my life. Keep your opinions and suppositions about me to yourself. They have NO place here. If you have something to say to me send me a private message!
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stanley  wilkin
stanley wilkin Because I find your approach bullying and ignorant. You list a mish-mash of negatives, without understanding or real creative impulses, pontificating about matters you have no knowledge of. Do you really think I want to hear how to write by someone unable to do it themselves? I read you once deriding a poem and its author who had, as a foreigner, misunderstood the meaning of several words. But the poem was brilliant and he has a talent worth nurturing. Get away from your absurd ego and recognis
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stanley  wilkin
stanley wilkin the talent here, especially amongst the younger ones. I stand by my observation. You are not really a creative writer, even if at times you write well. You lack, or appear to lack, that imaginative energy and understanding.
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