Too busy to talk ,


I walk around in circles, not sure what to think,
I wonder what is left in life for me,
I do not wish to do anything, why? Because can’t get the energy up,
I try to get busy doing the things I once enjoyed,
but I don’t have the enthusiasm anymore,
I love my children dearly,
But I know that I am not being a good mother for them,
I lost myself years ago,
But couldn’t admit it,
I tied myself down when I was born to fly,
I gave up everything I loved to do years ago because it never fit with the life I had committed to,
I tried to take up new hobbies, but it just caused more problems,
So I still had work, but that came to an end when my partner started working away,
I am partnered yet so alone,
My partner’s family think very little of me,
I know they would be happy if they could be rid of me,
And sometimes I think that my own family forget that I exist,
Some seem to speak down to me as though I am a lesser person,
At least I can call my friend and talk it all out to keep my sanity, to keep me from going all the way over the edge, to bring me back from this deep dark depression,
But wait!
Your too busy to talk.

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