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Trick or Treat
Trick or Treat
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Trick or Treat


Jake sighed as he walked down throughout 13th ave, "jake JAKE WAIT UP?!" his little sister yelled as her plastic heels hit the tar with a tic tic tic. "what?" he turned around a stopped to see his sister had a wide bring smile, her eyes were wide it scared jake so he kneeled down hoping this was his sister an not some monster."brother a man told me were to find really good king sized candy bars" Jake sighed of relief an stood up an picked up his sister. "ok princess Ava where is that 12th street" he held his sister on his back all the way to the begging of 12th street all the houses windows were boarded up or just plain coded in dirt an mud."Ava, I don't think we should go down this way I heard there's a lot of crime I mean, I'm not scared just worried for you" jake gulped but his mouth felt dry as he stared an watched as leaves swirled there feet. Ava made puppy dog eyes an smiled an just like every kid's charm she got her way. she sprinted down the road and knocked on the door bang bang bang someone was walking down the stairs I ran next to Ava as she yelled "trick or treat" a black tall figure appeared in the doorway he yelled "trick" his voice was dry a jake could almost smell his breath, he grabbed his sister jake standing in peer terror didn't move didn't scream as his sisters pink pumpkin filled with candy tumbled down the steps to the house. a candy spilled out of the pumpkin he stayed there and the man in his dry voice said "ShE Did ssay TrIcK Or TrEAt" Jake grabbed his sisters hand an picked her up an with the adrenaline rushing in his body he ran holding her close."JAKE MY CANDY!?" she screamed as he ran into the woods.

"NO AVA LEAVE THE CANDY ILL BUY YOU SOME OK!" he didn't know where he was running all he knew was that him his sister needed to go away from that house. Ava pulled away from her brother an spoke scared but softly as if someone were to hear her she'd be dead." jakey ill is fine ima g..go see if I can grab my candy" without another word she ran off into the woods. jake saw he had served an called the police, twenty minutes later no sign of ava the police told Jake to get in the car. two weeks later a loud knock on his front door. he opened it to find a young woman standing in the doorway "Mr.golden were here to talk about your missing sister Ava golden" he sighed an without thinking said "is she ok, please say she's ok" the woman sighed an pulled out avas bloody blue plastic heels in a bag an said "I'm sorry sir we found her body stuffed with candy hanging on a tree in the woods by 12th street" the hope dropped.


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About This Story
31 Oct, 2018
Read Time
2 mins
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