
By keira2008

My heart drowned in sadness as the motionless bodies lay in the crimson water, being dragged down by the heavy equipment they were carrying. Bullets soared through the bruised sky and more innocent bodies dropped to the blood-stained ground. These men only wanted to be loyal to their country, not knowing that they were risking their own lives. My stomach fell: I saw my friend collapse on the floor gasping for air.

I called for the doctor, but he had his hands full. I rushed over to him to tell him he died a hero not a coward. As he took his final breath a bullet skimmed the top of my hair. I was so lucky; this was a miracle. The burning sun beamed in the eyes of the soldiers, blinding them. My face became wet and salty and a tear ran down my cheek. The soldier’s bodies left me a spine-chilling question… will I die? Will I see my family again?

What seemed like beloved letters from their loved ones had been scattered across the battlefield. Bombs crashed into the ground, leaving a cloud of sand rising in the air, before descending again. BANG! CRASH! Was this nightmare ever going to end?

Author Notes: keira martin age 11

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