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Watching Him, Flips My Mind
Watching Him, Flips My Mind

Watching Him, Flips My Mind


Who hasn’t had it bad when in love or just as plain as crushing over. That sensation of silliness becomes you and makes you go speechless.

Love isn’t new to me but ‘infatuation’, it definitely is. It’s funny how emotions make home in you and somehow takes over your rational faculty numbing your cordial pieces.

I come off as in-control of my senses but as soon as my gaze finds him, they turn me clueless. And i forget to speak. As clearly as I remember, it had hit me in one evening class and is sitting adamantly on me since. Yeah, haven’t we all had that. And no it wasn’t for the obvious reasons, although he is cute. Very cute. My brain got hooked on his mannerisms and on the fact that he has this aura of calmness and poise radiating. And gossshhh, how he manages to be in authority without rudeness.

No guy with stethoscope has ever made me look at them twice. But him, damn. That voice. He remains invested in his explanations and I , in pursuit of soaking his words, run out of ink. Listening him talk on everything I didn’t know is making me fall in love with his subject. Although the realisation of my minimum knowledge gives me chills but I know, I’ll do it. He has made it seem so breezy, And for that I’m grateful.

Now each time I walk into his department, my heart goes into hiding and my brain, well that goes into state of free falling. I locate corners on his days, way out of view and he just happens to walk in through that end making me go motionless for fraction of seconds. And watching me stop midway in my action, I’m asked if things were alright with me.

Gossshhhh ! If only I could write sonnets. I wonder how long before my this new found obsession wears off. Not everyone speak to my attention but him, he is beginning to become the pivot.

Author Notes: At some point or the other, we all have gone through this feeling of thoughtlessness called ‘crush’. My being first.

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About This Story
14 Jun, 2019
Read Time
1 min
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