Who Are You, and Do You Still Love Me Like You Did?

By Oxygen

I am lost,

Who are you,

I knew you so well.

Who are you?

You are mad. You turn on everyone.

You are so vulnerable but you don't know it.

You live a twisted and hard life.

When will you break free?

I am lost without you.

I am confused.

You are here and everything is perfect.

But suddenly, you are gone.

Gone like the wind,

Gone like a leaf down a stream.

I see you, but I can speak.

I reach out but,

A force driven by hatred stops me.

Pushes me back.

Hits me like a wreaking ball.

I fall back in fear of hurting you,

Or hurting myself?

Who have you become?

Who are you?

You call me out.

Saying I didn't tell.

Have you ever thought,

Just for one moment,

One minute,

One hell of a second,

That I didn't tell you

In fear of hurting you.

Who are you?

Where is the nice little girl,

I knew,

the one who laughed at everything,

the one who didn't hurt people.

The one who wasn't full of anger.

Who are you now?







Author Notes: Ahhh this sucks but I needed to get this out of me. Hope you enjoyed this sad poem.

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