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Wife Who Changed My Life
Wife Who Changed My Life

Wife Who Changed My Life

rickywarangRicky Warang
1 Review

How Should I Express My Love For You
The Words Have To Be Magical, Beautiful & Real Just Like You.

Like Everyone, We Had Our Ups And Downs
We Laughed, Cried & Sometimes We Fought
But You Always Stood By Me No Matter What

When My Loving Father Was Gone
You Held My Heart Never Letting Me Feel Alone

I Owe You Each & Every Moment of My Life
For Being There With Me My Wonderful Wife

You Are A Wonder Woman Full Of Sunshine
With Every Passing Year, You Are Just Like A Fine Wine

More Than A Wife You Are My Best Friend
You Taught Me That A Bump On Road Is Not The End

Today Let's Celebrate Your Beautiful Life
Wishing You A Very Happy Birthday My Lovely Gorgeous Wife

-Ricky Warang

Author Notes: Few lines straight from my heart, on the birthday of my wonderful wife.

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About The Author
Ricky Warang
About This Story
29 May, 2021
Read Time
<1 min
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5.0 (1 review)

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