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Intoxcy8me is from US United States • 75 y/o • Male


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Birth Year
Star Sign
26 Dec, 2021
Last Visit
3 months ago
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5 from 1 reviews
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What writing means to me… I write to obtain mastery of a world full of possibilities and opportunities, and to explore the imagination merging with realism and meaning-making; to make sense of the world. I experiment with characters' worlds and become inspired after I have mulled over several scenarios, taking some time away from the story when the right idea suddenly comes to me after returning to it sometime later. Likewise, I get myself into a character's skin and have a strong understanding of his/her motivation. I become the character, and I live a particular scene in the story. Immersing myself into the character's world helps me move the story along and come up with solutions to conflicts. I write stories by developing character profiles and then create chapter outlines with scenes. I then start the story and visualize the scenes, the characters, and all of my five senses of taste, touch, smell, hearing, and seeing to create realism in the scenes. My writing comes from an interest in science fiction, and I enjoy looking at motivations to understand why characters behave the way they do. In my first self-published novella, Shadow Master, I wanted to have a character experience trauma and secrets and to overcome the distress of uncovering his secret. I wrote the Shadow Warriors as I am inspired by strong people who can overcome challenges.

Latest Stories by Intoxcy8me

Ember in the Dark 18+
Morality and mercy are easy concepts to follow when there are no risks involved. But it will always come a day when it's not easy. When a person must choose; to die honorably like a hero, or disgrace.
6 mins
Words: 1341
Read Time: 6 mins