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LittleDevil's Avatar


LittleDevil is from US United States • 18 y/o • Female


Hey! LittleDevil here. I like writing and would love to strike up a conversation with anyone so friend me and start one! And remember; "Be the one who is able to look out onto the horizon and not see the problems, but see the possibilities"~Me

Birth Year
Star Sign
13 Mar, 2019
Last Visit
4 years ago
Avg Rating Given
5 from 25 reviews
Ratings Received
4.4 from 17 reviews

Latest Stories by LittleDevil

Oh Everlasting Love, My Fondness for Him
So this is a sonnet about unrequited love.
<1 min
Words: 110
Read Time: <1 min
Forever Gone but Not Forgotten
This is a villanelle styled poem about a girl whose best friend committed suicide.
<1 min
Words: 163
Read Time: <1 min