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kathleenspalding is from US United States • 64 y/o

Reviews Given

Music Is Healing by JTCountryPop

5 stars because this is a nice, uplifting story with a main character I cared about and supporting characters that I liked. I am not really familiar with writing for this age group, but it seems age appropriate to me.

I think your paragraph formatting was lost when you transferred it over to this site? Highly recommend fixing it, if you can, for easier reading.

A couple questions and typos -
Dylan wanted to be all those names the were calling him. He wanted to make friends, to be "normal," whatever that meant. - I’m confused. Does he actually desire to be all those names -“weirdo, freak, and loser?” Does he feel those names fit?

But that incident from 8th Grade closed him off from other people. - show don’t tell. The image of laughing faces could pop up in his mind when he thinks about talking, or something like that.

he replied honestly. [new paragraph] "Yeah, that makes sense," Ty said

this time his smirk returned - checking if ‘smirk’ is the word you want.

Awesome how he talks himself into auditioning!

She tells him that his father abandoned her when she was pregnant. - I’d move this detail to a place where it would fit better, or drop it/change it (his father wasn’t in the picture/had never been around).

Ty caught Dylan by surprise when he suddenly put his arm around him. - Is this is at the school? If so, we need a transition that gets us to Ty’s house.... "Well, here we are, little buddy," Ty said. Dylan looked forward and saw Ty's house.

Ty nodded to Dylan, a [notion - motion]

me this talent show, that I'm sure you guys - grammar thing - comma before ‘which,’ not before ‘that’ - might read better if -[,] this talent show that I'm wouldn’t...? (a comma indicates a pause in speach)

Dylan like[d] being around them.

Just as Dylan was about to [verb] that again, his mom pulled him in for a hug.

The talent show [had - delete] finally arrived.

All students entering the talent show please enter the auditorium at this time. - 2 ‘enter’s in the same sentence (change one)

Indicate a scene change ### here as the point of view is changing - All the guys in the band looked at each other. "Guys, do you think that's..." Chase started to ask.

Janna, guide the performers to [their places/starting point/the waiting area?...] behind the stage.

Beth found the band and directed them to behind the stage. - ‘to behind the stage’ sounds awkward. Is it really how they say it?

Dylan was about to run off the [stood - stage], run home,

[He then - Then he, or He] glared at the guys... (more active)

His mind was blank[.] He just heard the band start playing the beginning of the song, closed his [eyes] and

When the song was over [rand - and] Dylan [had sang - had sung, or just ‘sang’]

"Thanks, mom[,]" he smiled as he wiped

If you have local writers groups, I highly recommend trying them out until you find one you like. Mine has been invaluable to me. (The more eyes on something, the better!) Good luck with your writing!

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