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Lussac is from FR France • 62 y/o

Reviews Given

Welcome to Holland by Author Unknown

this is beautiful!

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Information Please by Author Unknown

Love it

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The Home Visit by unclemonty

Excellent story

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Three imaginary friends by Billy Foster

Hope to read some more soon

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The Junk keeps piling up by Billy Foster

Really enjoyed your story. Nice build-up of the characters.
Shame about a few spelling mistakes like:
house being reprocessed instead of repossessed, or taught face instead of taut (Hope you don't think that is being pernickety)
Look forward to reading more....

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Right here, right now by Billy Foster

I liked this.... Liked the way you show us Simon's 'annoying' characteristics drop by drop....
I could not imagine where the story was going either...
Hope you write some more....

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The Interview by nkwrites

Looking forward to reading more.....

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You. by lime

So simple and so sweet! Write more...

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