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Morose-girl78's Avatar


Morose-girl78 is from US United States • 17 y/o • Female

I never had a childhood, but i'm enjoying my teenhood in a good and healthy way :D


Grief is not as heavy as guilt, but it takes more away from you.

Birth Year
Star Sign
6 Mar, 2023
Last Visit
1 month ago

But grief makes a monster out of us sometimes, and sometimes you say and do things to the people you love that you can’t forgive yourself for.

So many bad things have happened to me, since I was 6 years old I never enjoyed my childhood and I never had the warmth of my mother, but the warmth of my father, a father who sacrificed himself to raise my brother and my sisters and I, thanks to him we are alive, i don't blame my mother for leaving me at 3 years old, she had a reason and a purpose for leaving, even though her parting feels like yesterday. But what I have learned from all this is that ones we learns to be strong even if no one is behind you for you, and you are confident that at least there is someone who can pick you up when you fall, but there is only someone who is always by your side, and it is Jesus who is your loyal friend and loves you. Even if you can't see it, his spirit is always with you, in this life you can see people who pose as good people and become your friends, one day they are friends and the other day enemies, and not all of them are the same, but yes to some. But the most important thing in this life is that you can be strong and fight to get ahead even if the skies are falling.

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