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mtburr's Profile

Michael T Burr

mtburr is from US United States • 58 y/o

Birth Year
Star Sign
25 Feb, 2017
Last Visit
7 years ago
Avg Rating Given
3.4 from 7 reviews
Ratings Received
4.3 from 3 reviews

Latest Stories by Michael T Burr

Fireborne Maiden - Part 2
(Part 2 of 2): On the ruins of an ancient colony, a tyrant king is losing control. He has chosen his young niece to take his place, but can she survive the trials that lead to her destiny?
51 mins
Words: 10351
Read Time: 51 mins
Fireborne Maiden - Part 1
On the ruins of an ancient colony, a tyrant king is losing control. He has chosen his young niece to take his place, but can she survive the trials that lead to her destiny?
52 mins
Words: 10505
Read Time: 52 mins