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NedKnapp's Avatar


NedKnapp is from US United States • 45 y/o

Birth Year
Star Sign
15 Mar, 2020
Last Visit
4 years ago
Avg Rating Given
5 from 2 reviews
NedKnapp on social media

Hi, my name Ned Knapp and I'm a certified content marketer and copywriter

I work with tables and thematic pictures (knowledge of web design). I write reviews and work with forums. Smm-specialist SMM-promotion in social networks Instagram, Facebook

I feel comfortable in safety, and this security is provided by vpn

I write competent, unique, interesting, informative, reading texts on various topics.

There is sufficient experience in writing copyright articles for women's portals and sites for parents.

Playing musical instruments, passion for classical music, swimming, gym classes, fitness, running, soccer, volleyball, tennis, cycling

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