As lockdown approaches a grieving widower must choose between the sick dog he loves and his new woman friend he’d like to live with. She hates dogs and is frightened of them.
A lonely man has an affair with his landlady. She is a hot and cold bully and wants him to leave her a house in his will. She arranges a romantic tryst in the country but it's not what it seems
After economic collapse due to Brexit there has been a civil war in England. An impoverished couple prepare an oral history for their grandson. There are to be trials of the guilty.
Flo leaves her husband and is obsessed with her family tree. She finds a distant cousin and starts an affair. But are ancestors enough? Which life is real? Is her lover all that he seems?
In the south of France a man loses his scarf. He has separated from his wife left behind in England. The scarf was her gift to him. As he looks for it he realises its symbolic importance.
A man takes his wife to visit a family friend. She is a widow and also his lover. He hopes to discuss the relationships but it doesn't turn out as he hoped. They both attack him and he's abandoned.
A lonely man has an affair with his landlady. She is a hot and cold bully and wants him to leave her a house in his will. She arranges a romantic tryst in the country but it's not what it seems
After economic collapse due to Brexit there has been a civil war in England. An impoverished couple prepare an oral history for their grandson. There are to be trials of the guilty.