... short stories...
By PeterHunter
… short stream…
Peter Hunter
… a sweat of moisture amongst low hills to the west… becoming clear and rapid, I remain a narrow chalk brook for a few miles yet…
… before washing the feet of three brick hump back bridges - grateful for water from draining ditches and leats - irrigating water meadows and copses I now become more of a lowland stream…
Trout at first, then dace roach, gudgeon and chub. Further down where once a burbot was caught… and eels… plentiful eels and the bootlace profiles of the brook lampreys…
… I ramble - twist, turn - two villages, one water mill - the tunnels,home of an otter family… reflecting the seasons… mayflies, alders and crane flies…
Deeper, wider, slower - kingfisher and heron - water vole…
… all owing their living to me as I leisurely flow towards that wider conduit to the sea…
little I may be but onwards I flow…
… relentlessly…
© Peter Hunter 2012
Peter Hunter's full-length works are available on Kindle
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