1912: Saved by the Titanic
By mudswimmer
Wrecked and stranded on this iceberg
Steady lads and do not fear,
I have sent an SOS
and know that help will soon be here.
Wrecked and stranded on this iceberg
Steady lads and don’t despair,
We shall soon be wrapped in blankets
and a change of underwear.
Wrecked and stranded on this iceberg
Steady lads, our ship has sunk
But you shall soon be drinking cocoa,
In another sailor’s bunk
Wrecked and stranded on this iceberg
Steady lads, let spirits rise,
Compared to England in the rain,
Why this place is paradise!
Wrecked and stranded on this iceberg
Steady lads and do not panic
To our rescue comes a ship,
Oh praise the Lord boys, it’s Titanic!
Wrecked and stranded on this iceberg
Steady lads, without a moon,
They had difficulty docking,
She’ll be back again quite soon.
Tony Crowley (c)1999
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