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By zoexxxx

She was told she had to go home but little did she know what was there waiting for her, it was 11;00am on a school day the ice cold wind blowing on the windows making tiny screaming noises and this is when amelia was told to come home one day, she knew her sister had been suffering for a long time now and never knew what to do to help her, as soon as she got in she sprinted up the creaky oak stairs and knelt down onto the floor next to where her sister was laying in her blood stained bed. Crystal blue tears were trickling down her pale white face as her hand touched hers, im sorry she said, for everything i have ever done wrong to you just please ... forgive me so i know that you love me just as much as i love you, her heart stating thumping although it was like it coming out of her chest she still sat there watching over her sister to the end, her sisters hand started shaking as her breathing was starting to become even harder for her. " i forgive y...." she stopped there her hand fell to the puffy white pillow as it lay there looking up to the beautiful stars, "MUUM" Amelia yelled her mum came rushing up nd barged into the silent room her face turned white her hands started trembling, " im sorry" Amelia said. the room was completely silent as we heard my dad phoning 911 to take her away. We took her dressing gown of her and this is when wwe saw it the slits up and down her frail pail arm they were deeper then you could have seen before the ruby red blood stood out so much it was hard not to tell, and this is when i found out the reason she died

I personally havn't had anyone in my family as important to me as this died yet but i know other people who have as long as you look or seem it will make everyone else okay :) xx

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About This Story
16 Nov, 2011
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