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Abnormalities-Sword of Black-Chapter Two
Abnormalities-Sword of Black-Chapter Two

Abnormalities-Sword of Black-Chapter Two

BookNerd123Black Sheep
2 Reviews

Justin Case Willimason's pov.

I stare up at the ceiling, my mind blank, and body painfully still. “What are you doing?” Dustin questions, taking a seat at the bottom of my bed, I groan and sit up. “I am bored.” He nods,”same. Do you want to come with us?” He gestures to Sam and Carter. I nod, getting to my feet.

Same and Dustin lead the way, Carter behind them, and me making up the back. Sam’s long hair is pulled up into a messy bun and shoved into a toboggan with only a few strands sticking out, the baggy shirt matching her cargo pants and combat boots. Dustin wears a plan blue shirt, jeans with gloves shoved into the right back pocket, and black converses. Carter wears a grey shirt covered in different colored paint splatters, khakis covered in paint splatters, white and black checkered socks, and sneakers.

Sam opens the door and holds it open for all of us. “Thank you,” she nods in response and follows me inside. There are three lines of kids, all ages. The one closest to the door is the shortest, a sign reading ‘quest requests’ hangs over the line. The second has a sign that reads ‘personal business.’ The third is the longest and the farthest away. The sign hanging over it reads ‘family’, we all walk over to that line.

It doesn’t take long for us to reach the front of the line. A tall blonde with braces stares down at us. “Names?” She questions, crossing her arms. “Justin Williamson, Dustin Johnson, Carter James, and Sam Brown.” We each say our own name. “Justin,” she says and passes over a package and letter. “Dustin,” two letters. “Carter,” a package. “Sam,” one letter. “Thank you.” She nods,”it is my job.”

Sam leads the way once again back to the cabin. I take a seat on my bed, opening the package first. Inside our three different things; a worn leather journal, a family photo, and a package of ‘Thin Mint’ cookies. I smiled and set the phonto on my desk.

“Who wants Thin mints?” Carter gestures to himself and I throw him the cookies. I open the envelope.



I love you and hope your first week has been great, your dad loves and misses you too. I am aware that you don’t like ‘Thin Mints’ but someone might. The journal was your grandfathers, he wanted you to have it, and I forgot to give it to you before you left. No one else, including your dad, has ever read it. Hope you have fun, write soon.

Love, mom and dad.’

“My mom sent the cookies for all of you, I hate ‘Thin Mints’.” Carter smiles,”I love your mom. Mine sent me socks.” He shakes his head and bites into a cookie. “Sam, how can your grandmother write if she is blind?” Dustin asks, Sam stares at him. “Were you born stupid?” He blushes,” I didn’t mean to be rude.” She laughs,”she uses Braille. Ever heard of it?” He shakes his head, she sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. “It is a system that uses dots to make letters. It is how she reads and writes. Her friend, Sandy, helps her too.” He nods, ears a pinkish colour.

“Carter, do you have a pencil sharpener?” Alex questions, eyeing him. He nods, slightly red. Nodding he opens the bottom drawer of his desk and tosses over a small blue pencil sharpener. “Thank you.” Carter nods,”yeah.”

A loud pop resonates through the Cabin and Fern appears sitting on her bed. “Thin mints?” Carter offers, holding them out to her. She makes a disgusted face,”ew, no.” Fern looks rough; dark circles under her deep green eyes, skin a pale clammy color, hands dark with blood and dirt, a cut on her cheek connecting some freckles, no smile showing of her dimples, and back haunched with tiredness shortening her normal 5’41/2 height.


“What happened?” I question. She groans,”dumb kids.” I laugh and she smiles. Dustin walks over and gently washes water over her face and hands, the blood and dirt fade away. “Thanks,” he nods in response. She grabs her backpack, checks her weapons, and walks toward the door. Pausing before turning the door,”do you want to come?” She stares me down, right eyebrow raised. “Um, yes.” She nods,”get your weapons.” I shove my switch blade into my pocket and tighten my sword, Chi, onto my left hip.

“Come on,” she orders. I walk over, she opens the door, and we exit. She leads me down the path we took yesterday,”get your sword out.” I do as she says. The grass brushing her knees and my thighs. “We are here.” She sets everything up. “Don’t put your sword away.” I nod and take my seat on the blanket. “I would have come out before dark but some idiots got themselves hurt.” She explains, looking up. “Did they fly into a tree?” She laughs, shaking her head. Brown curls shaking slightly. “They have water power, like Dustin, they were fighting someone who had fire. They didn’t put themselves out,” I try and fail to hold in my laughter. “They will be fine. Unfortunately for them and the world I can’t fix stupid.” I smile, laying back on the banket.

She tilts the telescope towards me and I lean back up to look through the lens. “You might be able to see,” The moon’s craters look huge, like they could swallow me whole. I tilt it back to her. “You like stargazing?’ She nods,”I love it.” She twists a few knobs on the telescope. “How about we fly?” She stares at me, skeptically. “What could go wrong?” I question, knowing she already has a list in her head. “I am too heavy,” she crosses her arms. “Super Strength.” She frowns, biting down on her bottom lip.”We could crash.” I laugh,” and you could heal us.” The cut on her cheek is gone. “Okay. How do we do this.” I beam,”let’s pack all this up.” We pack everything up and I slide my sword away. “Backpack on and get on my back.” She slides the bag onto her back, places her hands on my shoulders, and jumps. Her arms are tight around my neck, legs wrapped around my waist, and I place my hands under her knees.


“Hold on tight.” She tightens her grip. “”I swear-” I cut her off,”i’ve got you.” she sighs,”okay, go.” my legs surge with energy, the energy races through my veins to my arms, and eventually it courses through my entire body. Grasping onto that energy, I push up with it, and my feet leave the ground. The air pushes my hair back, dragging tears from my eyes. I push harder, resulting in me flying higher. The air surges into my lungs, stinging and tugging tears out of my eyes, chilling my bones. “This is amazing,” Fern whispers in my ear, voice amused and engulfed by the amazement of flying.

“Hold on,” I wait for her grip to tighten. I release the energy and we go rocketing towards the ground, a foot before we are due to crash I reclaim the energy and spin up into the air. Pushing speed boundaries till it feels as if my face will peel away and Fern is yelling repeatedly,’slow down, slow down!” I laugh doing as she says.

I gently land us on the ground and she untangles herself from around me. Eyes wide, hair in knots, and chest rising with deep calculated breaths. Looking down at her wrist in the dark of night, she curses. “We broke curfew,” I raised my eyebrows, awaiting further explanation. She sighs,”only by a couple minutes. I’ve got this.” She holds her arm out to me, I take her hand, and the last thing I see is her green eyes closing. My stomach turns and my head spins. It ends in a second and for that I am grateful, my ears pop, and air returns into my searing lungs.

My feet hit solid wood-panels, wide-eyes stare at us. “I’m going to take a shower,” Fern and I dismiss ourselves at the same time. She laughs, I move to my dresser grabbing my pajamas. My stall in the bathroom is the third one, it takes a second for the water to warm up.


The cold morning air leaves goosebumps on my skin. I pull my arms tighter around myself, trying to hold in warmth. “How are you cold?” Izzy questions, I shoot her a pointed glare, but she laughs it away. Izzy wears a purple crop-top, ripped black jeans, plain brown sandals, and a thin grey long-sleeve tied around her waist. Ivy,Izzy, and I are the only ones at the table this morning, Fern took off to the Infirmary before anyone was awake, Alex went running, Carter is either practicing his swordsmanship or finishing a painting, and Sam and Dustin were gone when everyone woke up.

Ivy is more practical with her outfit; skinny-jeans, knee-high brown boots, a plain yellow t-shirt tucked into her jeans, and sunglasses balanced on her head.

“Where do you go next?” Ivy questions, biting into her apple. “Flight training,you?” She nods,”power training. You?” She turns, questioning Izzy. “Same as you.” She replies, biting into her plain toast. “How could you possibly eat plain toast?” I question, taking a sip of my orange juice. “Like this,” she snaps and bites another piece off.


I roll my eyes,”smartass.” She nods, agreeing. “I need to go, see you two later.” They nod, waving goodbye as I walk away. Ms.Grey is a small hispanic woman. Her black hair pulled up into a high-ponytail, she wears a tight black short-sleeve, jeans, and running shoes.

“Hello all,” she greets.”Today, we will be focusing on the three basics of flying. Does anyone know what they are?” She clasps her hands, balancing on her heels. Waiting. “Complete control, total focus, and constant awareness.” A smiling girl with rosy cheek answers. “Very good, thank you CeiCei. Next time let someone who is new answer.” She nods, still beaming. “You have to expect the unexpected, be read for the worst, and always be prepared. “ We all nod, hanging onto her every word. “Who wants to go first?” Ceicei jumps up and down, far too happy for this hour. “Show us what you've got,” She grins mischievously,”alright.” She launches herself into the air, shooting straight up. She stops and lets herself drop down, mere inches from the ground she soars back up. She spins twice, dives again, and then lands gracefully back in her place.

“Impressive,” is all Ms. Grey says in response. “Next,” I step forward, Ceicei openly glares. “Name?” She questioned, smiling sweetly at me. “Justin.” She nods,’alright Justin.” Energy pulses through my veins, I grab onto it, and rocket myself up into the air. Spinning upwards, diving and brushing the grass with my fingers, and catapulting back up into the air. I fly backwards and land rather messily but still on my two feet. “Good.”


My muscles are sore and tense as I walk towards Combat training. “What is wrong?” Fern questions, as soon as she sees me. “Flight training.” She laughs,”poor you.” I glare at her and she takes my hand in response. Closing her eyes and knitting her brows together in concentration. A slight warmth spreads through my muscles, soothing them, and taking away the pain.


“Better?” she questions and all I can do is nod in response. “Obstacle course today,” She leads me towards the obstacle course. “Here we are,” the obstacle course is huge and made of several different levels.

The first one has spinning and flying spikes, the second is a moving climbing wall, the third is shooting water and fire, the fourth eight machine like warriors, the fifth is a moving floor, the sixth a weapon launcher, the seventh a zipline balance with quicksand beneath it, then there is the last one a stone path. The stones are all different colors; black, white, grey, green, blue, red, and yellow.

“I am not telling you a thing about the course. You can use your weapons and your powers. Fern,” She nods in response. “I’ll show you first. No one expects you to be the best for the first time.” We nod and she steps forward.

“This is level one,” she explains, stepping out onto the course. She ducks the first spike and does a backflip over the spinning one, landing on her feet. Pulling out her sword she cuts down the spinning spikes all the while ducking, flipping, and dodging the flying ones. “Level Two,” she puts her sword away and opts for her dagger instead.

She begins to climb and stabs her dagger into the wall as it shakes and spins, the foothandle falling out and onto the ground. She lets her right led dangle in place. Swinging from side to side and throwing herd=self into the air and over the wall. “Level three.”

Both weapons away. Fire shoots barely missing her. She laughs, hitting the ground. Water squirts over her, she jumps just as fire scorches the place she just layed. Down, Up, down, up, down, and crawl. She gets past without a mark. “Level four, my favorite.”

She beams, pulling out her weapons. The machines whir and she sneers, ready for a fight. She steps into the machines way and then moves towards her, eyes pointed red and glaring at her.


Two of the machines move towards her, eyes gleaming. The one advancing on her left has two axes for hands, the one on the right has sword hands. She swings a big arc slicing axe hands in half and cutting sword hands head off. Four more steps forward. She kicks one's head clean off , she stabs another, and drops down chopping him to pieces. Their eyes go dark. She sweeps her leg beneath one, ducking the others strike, and she jumps kicking both in the chest they stumble backwards. They run towards her and she pops away but it is too late and they hit each other, heads popping off.

Sam laughs,”she’s damn good.” I nod, too transfixed to look away. “Level five.” Level five is the moving floor. The floor leans left, she copies walking two steps. It leans right, she copies the floor.

“Level six.” An axe launches itself at her head, she ducks, and pulls out her weapons. She knocks a sword out of her way and steps forward, cutting an arrow in half. Cutting down three ninja stars, while jumping over a sword, and dodging an arrow. She ducks and cuts down two arrows, while backflipping over a sword, and knocking a dagger away.

“Level seven,” she puts away her weapons, grabbing a hold of the zipline. She swings her legs up, wrapping them around her arms. It stays balanced and she makes it across.

“Level seven is easy, level eight is what you need to worry about.” She pulls her dagger out, stepping onto a grey stone. A dart flies over, missing her by an inch. She jumps over a green landing on a black. Black, black, and red. Flames shoot out at her, she hops onto a black one barely missing the flames. Blue, she ducks a blast of water. Black, black and she's done. We all clap and she blushes in response.

“Who’s next?” Mr. John questions, arms crossed over chest.


Sam steps forward a half-determined, half-horrified look on her face. She pulls out her sword and steps forward.


I stare up at the ceiling, my mind blank, and body painfully still. “What are you doing?” Dustin questions, taking a seat at the bottom of my bed, I groan and sit up. “I am bored.” He nods,”same. Do you want to come with us?” He gestures to Sam and Carter. I nod, getting to my feet.

Same and Dustin lead the way, Carter behind them, and me making up the back. Sam’s long hair is pulled up into a messy bun and shoved into a toboggan with only a few strands sticking out, the baggy shirt matching her cargo pants and combat boots. Dustin wears a plan blue shirt, jeans with gloves shoved into the right back pocket, and black converses. Carter wears a grey shirt covered in different colored paint splatters, khakis covered in paint splatters, white and black checkered socks, and sneakers.

Sam opens the door and holds it open for all of us. “Thank you,” she nods in response and follows me inside. There are three lines of kids, all ages. The one closest to the door is the shortest, a sign reading ‘quest requests’ hangs over the line. The second has a sign that reads ‘personal business.’ The third is the longest and the farthest away. The sign hanging over it reads ‘family’, we all walk over to that line.

It doesn’t take long for us to reach the front of the line. A tall blonde with braces stares down at us. “Names?” She questions, crossing her arms. “Justin Williamson, Dustin Johnson, Carter James, and Sam Brown.” We each say our own name. “Justin,” she says and passes over a package and letter. “Dustin,” two letters. “Carter,” a package. “Sam,” one letter. “Thank you.” She nods,”it is my job.”

Sam leads the way once again back to the cabin. I take a seat on my bed, opening the package first. Inside our three different things; a worn leather journal, a family photo, and a package of ‘Thin Mint’ cookies. I smiled and set the phonto on my desk.

“Who wants Thin mints?” Carter gestures to himself and I throw him the cookies. I open the envelope.



I love you and hope your first week has been great, your dad loves and misses you too. I am aware that you don’t like ‘Thin Mints’ but someone might. The journal was your grandfathers, he wanted you to have it, and I forgot to give it to you before you left. No one else, including your dad, has ever read it. Hope you have fun, write soon.

Love, mom and dad.’

“My mom sent the cookies for all of you, I hate ‘Thin Mints’.” Carter smiles,”I love your mom. Mine sent me socks.” He shakes his head and bites into a cookie. “Sam, how can your grandmother write if she is blind?” Dustin asks, Sam stares at him. “Were you born stupid?” He blushes,” I didn’t mean to be rude.” She laughs,”she uses Braille. Ever heard of it?” He shakes his head, she sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. “It is a system that uses dots to make letters. It is how she reads and writes. Her friend, Sandy, helps her too.” He nods, ears a pinkish colour.

“Carter, do you have a pencil sharpener?” Alex questions, eyeing him. He nods, slightly red. Nodding he opens the bottom drawer of his desk and tosses over a small blue pencil sharpener. “Thank you.” Carter nods,”yeah.”

A loud pop resonates through the Cabin and Fern appears sitting on her bed. “Thin mints?” Carter offers, holding them out to her. She makes a disgusted face,”ew, no.” Fern looks rough; dark circles under her deep green eyes, skin a pale clammy color, hands dark with blood and dirt, a cut on her cheek connecting some freckles, no smile showing of her dimples, and back haunched with tiredness shortening her normal 5’41/2 height.


“What happened?” I question. She groans,”dumb kids.” I laugh and she smiles. Dustin walks over and gently washes water over her face and hands, the blood and dirt fade away. “Thanks,” he nods in response. She grabs her backpack, checks her weapons, and walks toward the door. Pausing before turning the door,”do you want to come?” She stares me down, right eyebrow raised. “Um, yes.” She nods,”get your weapons.” I shove my switch blade into my pocket and tighten my sword, Chi, onto my left hip.

“Come on,” she orders. I walk over, she opens the door, and we exit. She leads me down the path we took yesterday,”get your sword out.” I do as she says. The grass brushing her knees and my thighs. “We are here.” She sets everything up. “Don’t put your sword away.” I nod and take my seat on the blanket. “I would have come out before dark but some idiots got themselves hurt.” She explains, looking up. “Did they fly into a tree?” She laughs, shaking her head. Brown curls shaking slightly. “They have water power, like Dustin, they were fighting someone who had fire. They didn’t put themselves out,” I try and fail to hold in my laughter. “They will be fine. Unfortunately for them and the world I can’t fix stupid.” I smile, laying back on the banket.

She tilts the telescope towards me and I lean back up to look through the lens. “You might be able to see,” The moon’s craters look huge, like they could swallow me whole. I tilt it back to her. “You like stargazing?’ She nods,”I love it.” She twists a few knobs on the telescope. “How about we fly?” She stares at me, skeptically. “What could go wrong?” I question, knowing she already has a list in her head. “I am too heavy,” she crosses her arms. “Super Strength.” She frowns, biting down on her bottom lip.”We could crash.” I laugh,” and you could heal us.” The cut on her cheek is gone. “Okay. How do we do this.” I beam,”let’s pack all this up.” We pack everything up and I slide my sword away. “Backpack on and get on my back.” She slides the bag onto her back, places her hands on my shoulders, and jumps. Her arms are tight around my neck, legs wrapped around my waist, and I place my hands under her knees.


“Hold on tight.” She tightens her grip. “”I swear-” I cut her off,”i’ve got you.” she sighs,”okay, go.” my legs surge with energy, the energy races through my veins to my arms, and eventually it courses through my entire body. Grasping onto that energy, I push up with it, and my feet leave the ground. The air pushes my hair back, dragging tears from my eyes. I push harder, resulting in me flying higher. The air surges into my lungs, stinging and tugging tears out of my eyes, chilling my bones. “This is amazing,” Fern whispers in my ear, voice amused and engulfed by the amazement of flying.

“Hold on,” I wait for her grip to tighten. I release the energy and we go rocketing towards the ground, a foot before we are due to crash I reclaim the energy and spin up into the air. Pushing speed boundaries till it feels as if my face will peel away and Fern is yelling repeatedly,’slow down, slow down!” I laugh doing as she says.

I gently land us on the ground and she untangles herself from around me. Eyes wide, hair in knots, and chest rising with deep calculated breaths. Looking down at her wrist in the dark of night, she curses. “We broke curfew,” I raised my eyebrows, awaiting further explanation. She sighs,”only by a couple minutes. I’ve got this.” She holds her arm out to me, I take her hand, and the last thing I see is her green eyes closing. My stomach turns and my head spins. It ends in a second and for that I am grateful, my ears pop, and air returns into my searing lungs.

My feet hit solid wood-panels, wide-eyes stare at us. “I’m going to take a shower,” Fern and I dismiss ourselves at the same time. She laughs, I move to my dresser grabbing my pajamas. My stall in the bathroom is the third one, it takes a second for the water to warm up.


The cold morning air leaves goosebumps on my skin. I pull my arms tighter around myself, trying to hold in warmth. “How are you cold?” Izzy questions, I shoot her a pointed glare, but she laughs it away. Izzy wears a purple crop-top, ripped black jeans, plain brown sandals, and a thin grey long-sleeve tied around her waist. Ivy,Izzy, and I are the only ones at the table this morning, Fern took off to the Infirmary before anyone was awake, Alex went running, Carter is either practicing his swordsmanship or finishing a painting, and Sam and Dustin were gone when everyone woke up.

Ivy is more practical with her outfit; skinny-jeans, knee-high brown boots, a plain yellow t-shirt tucked into her jeans, and sunglasses balanced on her head.

“Where do you go next?” Ivy questions, biting into her apple. “Flight training,you?” She nods,”power training. You?” She turns, questioning Izzy. “Same as you.” She replies, biting into her plain toast. “How could you possibly eat plain toast?” I question, taking a sip of my orange juice. “Like this,” she snaps and bites another piece off.


I roll my eyes,”smartass.” She nods, agreeing. “I need to go, see you two later.” They nod, waving goodbye as I walk away. Ms.Grey is a small hispanic woman. Her black hair pulled up into a high-ponytail, she wears a tight black short-sleeve, jeans, and running shoes.

“Hello all,” she greets.”Today, we will be focusing on the three basics of flying. Does anyone know what they are?” She clasps her hands, balancing on her heels. Waiting. “Complete control, total focus, and constant awareness.” A smiling girl with rosy cheek answers. “Very good, thank you CeiCei. Next time let someone who is new answer.” She nods, still beaming. “You have to expect the unexpected, be read for the worst, and always be prepared. “ We all nod, hanging onto her every word. “Who wants to go first?” Ceicei jumps up and down, far too happy for this hour. “Show us what you've got,” She grins mischievously,”alright.” She launches herself into the air, shooting straight up. She stops and lets herself drop down, mere inches from the ground she soars back up. She spins twice, dives again, and then lands gracefully back in her place.

“Impressive,” is all Ms. Grey says in response. “Next,” I step forward, Ceicei openly glares. “Name?” She questioned, smiling sweetly at me. “Justin.” She nods,’alright Justin.” Energy pulses through my veins, I grab onto it, and rocket myself up into the air. Spinning upwards, diving and brushing the grass with my fingers, and catapulting back up into the air. I fly backwards and land rather messily but still on my two feet. “Good.”


My muscles are sore and tense as I walk towards Combat training. “What is wrong?” Fern questions, as soon as she sees me. “Flight training.” She laughs,”poor you.” I glare at her and she takes my hand in response. Closing her eyes and knitting her brows together in concentration. A slight warmth spreads through my muscles, soothing them, and taking away the pain.


“Better?” she questions and all I can do is nod in response. “Obstacle course today,” She leads me towards the obstacle course. “Here we are,” the obstacle course is huge and made of several different levels.

The first one has spinning and flying spikes, the second is a moving climbing wall, the third is shooting water and fire, the fourth eight machine like warriors, the fifth is a moving floor, the sixth a weapon launcher, the seventh a zipline balance with quicksand beneath it, then there is the last one a stone path. The stones are all different colors; black, white, grey, green, blue, red, and yellow.

“I am not telling you a thing about the course. You can use your weapons and your powers. Fern,” She nods in response. “I’ll show you first. No one expects you to be the best for the first time.” We nod and she steps forward.

“This is level one,” she explains, stepping out onto the course. She ducks the first spike and does a backflip over the spinning one, landing on her feet. Pulling out her sword she cuts down the spinning spikes all the while ducking, flipping, and dodging the flying ones. “Level Two,” she puts her sword away and opts for her dagger instead.

She begins to climb and stabs her dagger into the wall as it shakes and spins, the foothandle falling out and onto the ground. She lets her right led dangle in place. Swinging from side to side and throwing herd=self into the air and over the wall. “Level three.”

Both weapons away. Fire shoots barely missing her. She laughs, hitting the ground. Water squirts over her, she jumps just as fire scorches the place she just layed. Down, Up, down, up, down, and crawl. She gets past without a mark. “Level four, my favorite.”

She beams, pulling out her weapons. The machines whir and she sneers, ready for a fight. She steps into the machines way and then moves towards her, eyes pointed red and glaring at her.


Two of the machines move towards her, eyes gleaming. The one advancing on her left has two axes for hands, the one on the right has sword hands. She swings a big arc slicing axe hands in half and cutting sword hands head off. Four more steps forward. She kicks one's head clean off , she stabs another, and drops down chopping him to pieces. Their eyes go dark. She sweeps her leg beneath one, ducking the others strike, and she jumps kicking both in the chest they stumble backwards. They run towards her and she pops away but it is too late and they hit each other, heads popping off.

Sam laughs,”she’s damn good.” I nod, too transfixed to look away. “Level five.” Level five is the moving floor. The floor leans left, she copies walking two steps. It leans right, she copies the floor.

“Level six.” An axe launches itself at her head, she ducks, and pulls out her weapons. She knocks a sword out of her way and steps forward, cutting an arrow in half. Cutting down three ninja stars, while jumping over a sword, and dodging an arrow. She ducks and cuts down two arrows, while backflipping over a sword, and knocking a dagger away.

“Level seven,” she puts away her weapons, grabbing a hold of the zipline. She swings her legs up, wrapping them around her arms. It stays balanced and she makes it across.

“Level seven is easy, level eight is what you need to worry about.” She pulls her dagger out, stepping onto a grey stone. A dart flies over, missing her by an inch. She jumps over a green landing on a black. Black, black, and red. Flames shoot out at her, she hops onto a black one barely missing the flames. Blue, she ducks a blast of water. Black, black and she's done. We all clap and she blushes in response.

“Who’s next?” Mr. John questions, arms crossed over chest.


Sam steps forward a half-determined, half-horrified look on her face. She pulls out her sword and steps forward.


Author Notes: Chapter two. Sorry for the wait.

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About The Author
Black Sheep
About This Story
22 Apr, 2021
Read Time
9 mins
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5.0 (2 reviews)

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