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One moonlit night, a young woman called Hayley entered a portal to another reality, while standing in Tregeseal stone circle. When she reappeared, she found herself on a small island in the middle of a mountain lake.
The lake was surrounded by valleys, ridges, huge tree-clad foothills and mighty peaks free of snow and ice. Everything was bathed in a pale white light.
Hayley was totally mystified. She gazed up slowly and saw to her astonishment that there was no horizon. The landscape swept upwards in a mighty arc to meet the hazy light. Mountains after mountains and other sorts of unknown terrain beyond. Looking around, Hayley saw that it was the same in every direction. She then looked right up and saw the source of the light – a mysterious white orb.
There was life there too. Many thousands of ducks, geese and swans were swimming about on the lake and birds of prey were swooping about. As for the atmosphere, it was neither hot nor cold, just a gentle warmth.
Hayley was really stupefied. She looked down and around again and saw a figure in a hooded white robe approaching her in some kind of golden hover vehicle. When the vehicle reached Hayley it stopped and a woman with waist length blonde hair, blue eyes and child-like skin got out.
Hayley had countless questions needing to be answered – such as where she was and the identity of the woman. So she fired away.
First of all the woman introduced herself as Sisilla. She then went onto say that Hayley had entered a subterranean world inside the Earth, called Agartha.
That came as no surprise to Hayley, who was totally open minded about things like ancient visitors from outer space, advanced technology used in ancient times, Atlantis, underworld folklore and something known as the Hollow Earth. She said as much to Sisilla.
Sisilla told Hayley that she was going to take her to some places in the Hollow Earth. So the pair of them got in the hover vehicle, which was oval shaped with two seats side by side and a control panel. Sisilla worked a few controls and the vehicle shot off.
As the journey began, Sisilla explained things about Agartha. She spoke of oceans teeming numerous lifeforms including whales, dolphins, sharks and seals. She then spoke of forests, jungles, cavern systems, settlements, spaceports, vast open plains, bushland, other forms of wildlife – such as wolves, big cats, other birds, reptiles and insects, interdimensional portals and civilizations – herself being part of one.
While journeying through the mountains, Hayley saw cave openings, rivers, lakes, crystal settlements, waterfalls, countless birds flocking about and the odd hover vehicle every now and then.
Once out of the mountains, Sisilla flew the vehicle over a large area of lower tree-clad hills, all the way to the coast of a huge, shimmering pale blue sea, which stretched out of sight. She then steered right and followed the coast, which was lined with immense cliffs rising up to meet the hills, long beaches, sand dunes, bluffs, headlands and river estuaries. Hayley was just able to make out dolphins, whales, seals and people on the beaches.
After journeying for some four dozen miles along the coast, Sisilla and Hayley reached a large flat peninsula with lower tree-covered hills in the background and an expansive city of gold on top.
The settlement was a most majestic looking one. It consisted of three rings of land separated by wide circular moats with many golden bridges spanning them. In the centre, there was a small artificial island with a very tall crystal right in the centre.
Surrounding the settlement was another wide moat. The entire settlement was about three miles wide.
Sisilla landed the vehicle on a landing pad for hover vehicles surrounded by trees on the outer ring of land and got out with Hayley.
Hayley was going to spend some time at the settlement, which was called Shamballa.
The outer ring of the city consisted of formal gardens, countless flowers, small ponds, plenty of vegetation, large areas of jade grass, paths of gold, fruit bushes and thousands of houses resembling igloos – only ten to twelve times larger. Every single house had a vegetable patch outside. There was plenty of wildlife including small birds, frogs, fish, bees; along with thousands of cats and dogs.
Then there were the people themselves. All different kinds there were. There were people with red hair, black hair, blonde hair, brown hair, dark skin and many others. They wore things like shorts, trousers, dresses, shirts, robes. All their clothing was either pale coloured, shiny, or technicoloured. There was no negativity, no fighting, no arguments, nothing. It was plain tranquillity.
All different kinds of things the people were doing. They were tending their vegetable patches, dancing, singing, playing woodwind instruments, stringed instruments and drums, walking dogs, picking fruit, meditating and drawing water from wells.
Children were playing hide and seek in the trees, playing with cats and dogs and playing on swings, slides, climbing frames, rocking horses, and roundabouts in parks.
After some while, Sisilla and Hayley crossed a majestic ornate bridge to the second ring of land. Plenty of ducks, geese and swans were swimming on the moat and people were paddling about in typical small rowing boats.
The second ring of land was just as wonderful as the outer one. There was more vegetation, gardens, parks, wide walkways of gold, lakes teeming with life, fountains and much more.
There was plenty of wildlife, especially small birds and thousands of people were going about.
Then there were the buildings, which came in a variety of sizes and shapes. Some were shaped like thimbles, some like pepper pots, some like bedposts, some like the top halves of eggs, some tall and spirally, some wide and round with domed roofs, some tall and cylindrical with domed roofs, some like enormous igloos and some were different shaped domes. People were going in and out of them through entrances shaped like hexagons, triangles, pentagons, octagons and semicircles.
After a while, Sisilla and Hayley crossed a bridge to the third ring. More ducks, geese and swans were swimming about and people were rowing.
There were no buildings on the innermost ring of land. It was all grass areas, trees, parks, lakes and gardens. There were animal statues, fountains, fruit trees, flowers, groves, play areas for kids, chlorine free swimming pools and plenty more.
Wildlife existed everywhere. There were insects, small birds, squirrels, mice, doves, pigeons and many other kinds. Many people were there too. Children were playing, bands were playing golden instruments in bandstands, others were walking dogs and so on. While there, Hayley had some apples.
After a while, Sisilla and Hayley crossed a third bridge, which was just as majestic as the last two, to reach the central island. More ducks, swans and geese were swimming on the inner moat and people were rowing about.
The crystal in the centre of the island was surrounded by a ring of twenty enormous fountains, with doves perched all around the edges. There were a good many people there too.
After a while, Hayley and Sisilla headed all the way back to the hover vehicle and left Shamballa.
Visiting Shamballa was only the beginning of Hayley’s adventure in Agartha and a fantastic beginning it had been too.
Sisilla flew the vehicle very quickly out across the concave sea for three to four thousand miles, all the way to the far shore. The shore was lined with very long beaches, high sand dunes and huge shining cliffs rising up to meet the slopes of mountainous tree-clad hills. Beyond that point it was just hills after hills for many miles, all covered with trees, except for exposed cliffs. Many birds were flying about and other hover vehicles every now and then.
After travelling over fifty miles, Sisilla flew the vehicle out over a mighty area of bushland – resembling that of Africa. All the familiar animals were there. There were lions, elephants, giraffes, leopards, zebra, the lot.
At one point, Sisilla touched down just outside a ring of fifteen, round wooden huts with thatched roofs. Within the ring, there were three to four dozen people including children, most of whom were dancing round a fire in the centre.
The people had dark skin and were wearing clothes worn in the bushland regions of Africa. Those not dancing were sitting on stool outside the huts either playing drums, playing woodwind instruments, eating fruit, or peeling potatoes. One was even stirring a pot of soup.
For a while, Hayley and her guide spent time with the people, taking part in the entertainment, eating and conversing with the people.
When the visit was over, the adventure continued. The great plain went on for hundreds of miles, all the way to the foot of a mighty range of high mountains resembling the Himalayas in many ways. The lower foothills were covered with vegetation, settlements were dotted here and there, lakes lay scattered about, rivers snaked down through enormous, steep-sided gorges and waterfalls cascaded into great misty abysses. The upper foothills were bare and rugged with no trees on their slopes. Then there were the mighty peaks themselves. Like the Himalayas, they rose up like huge fangs, all sheer, but there was neither snow nor ice on them. They were all grey and shiny with great veins of silver running through them.
Sisilla touched down in a small village of round stone houses with thatched roofs, inhabited by Sherpa-like people. The inhabitants were living the lives of Sherpas, except for the fact that they didn’t go on climbing expeditions. While at the village, Hayley and her guide joined in with dancing and singing, which is something the people excelled in. It was then time to continue.
When the mountains were behind, Sisilla turned right slightly and headed over a vast area of tree land resembling the Amazon rainforest. There were plenty of birds about and a hover vehicle every now and then. At one point, Sisilla touched down in a ring-shaped settlement of round wooden log huts with cone-shaped roofs.
The inhabitants there had dark skin with a touch of copper, long dark frizzly hair and white facial markings. They wore no more than cloths round their waists. Like the mountain and bushland inhabitants, they had their own style of dancing and music. People were sitting round eating fruit and playing drums and pipes, children included. For a while, Hayley and her guide joined in with the entertainment and spoke with the people. After that they left.
So the journey continued for many hundreds of miles to the other side of the vast area of tree land.
Beyond that point, there was an immense sea of jade coloured grass with a number of lakes scattered about. As Sisilla flew out across the grass land, Hayley saw many thousands of wild cows and horses, ducks, geese and swans, but there were no people about.
On the far side of the grass sea, there was another range of mountains. Like in the previous two ranges, the foothills were clad in trees and the steep-sided peaks were free of snow and ice. Immense waterfalls plunged into huge, misty cauldrons, rivers wound their way through huge valleys, settlements lay scattered about, lakes dotted the place, cave openings gaped wide and bands of gold streaked through the mighty beige mountain slopes.
Sisilla landed the craft outside an opening in a hillside. The opening was very large, about forty feet wide and fifty feet high. Hayley went into the hillside with her guide and headed along a fairly well-lit passage.
After about three hundred metres, the passage opened right out into a tremendous cavern all lit up by stupendous luminous pink crystals hundreds of feet in length. The cavern was over a mile across in all directions and over half a mile in height. Crystals covered the walls, the ceiling and the floor and two far larger openings led off to other areas, most likely other caverns. Sisilla told Hayley that was so.
The pair of them walked round quite a bit before returning to the vehicle.
The next stage of the adventure turned out to be most peculiar. Sisilla landed the vehicle by a small lake in the same mountain range as the crystal cavern. It was then that Hayley saw it – a display of wildlife.
To begin with there appeared out of the trees on the other side of the lake, a pack of twenty wolves. The magnificent animals approached the lake and began to drink away. To the right, thirty silver deer appeared. Like the wolves they approached the lake to take their fill. To the left, fifty grizzly bears appeared. Like the wolves and the deer they approached the lake to take their share. Then sixty wild boars appeared behind Hayley and her guide. Like the wolves, the deer and the bears they approached the lake to take on water. The animals then began to head back into the trees. First the wolves, then the deer, then the bears and finally the boars. After that thousands of ducks, geese and swans came down to the lake.
Now that it was all over the adventure went on. Sisilla flew the vehicle out of the mountains, then across an area of tree-clad hilly terrain for a good few hundred miles. Huge lakes lay scattered about and small settlements of crystal were dotted here and there. As usual there were countless birds flocking about and a few hover vehicles.
Sisilla approached a plateau, which had a vast, gleaming white building on top, surrounded by formal gardens and vegetation. The building was square in shape with enormous walls, rounded corners and a huge flat dome on top. It was about half a mile wide in diameter.
Sisilla touched down on an immense landing pad of white marble with thousands of hover vehicles on top. She then left the landing pad with Hayley and headed along a very wide white marble walkway towards the mighty building of marble. Many other people were going back and forth along the walkway and through the flower gardens on either side.
When they reached the building, Hayley and her guide climbed a very wide flight of steps to a huge pyramid-shaped opening with (THE LIBRARY OF PORTHOLOGOS) engraved above it in large gold letters. And then, they entered.
The interior of the building took Hayley’s breath away. It was like no other library, which she had ever seen. Before her there was a very wide walkway with luminous crystals and multicoloured fountains dotted about.
People of all different kinds were sitting on marble stools round large marble tables, studying emerald tablets.
On either side, there were rows upon rows of countless emerald tablets placed on very long marble shelves and other walkways branched off. Then there were the large, luminous, multicoloured crystals embedded high above in the dome. The crystals lit up the place in a multicoloured pastel hue.
More people were either walking around, or removing or replacing tablets from the shelves. They were using some kind of advanced levitation technology to gain access to the higher shelves – the same kind of levitation skills used by the Jedi. Sisilla informed Hayley that the library contained the entire knowledge of the Milky Way.
As the pair of them began to walk along the walkway, Hayley looked into all the side passages, which were less wide.
More people were either walking about, or working. Like in the main passage, there were luminous crystals and multicoloured fountains.
After some distance, the main walkway came to an end. Beyond that point, there was a vast open square – five hundred feet across, with three more very wide walkways branching off – one to the right, one to the left and one directly opposite.
Within the square, there was an enormous hologram of the Milky Way, four hundred feet across. The hologram was tilted at an angle of thirty degrees and a small luminous green spot pointed the location of the Earth’s position. Many people were in and out of the great passages and right in the centre of the square, there was a small holographic deck projecting the galaxy. It was a stunning sight to behold.
Hayley and her guide walked around the mega hologram, then headed all the way back out of the library. Once outside they went back to the hover vehicle and left the plateau.
On and on the journey went, over many more miles of the same kind of terrain, all the way to a coastline. Beyond that point there was another ocean.
Out to sea Sisilla flew. Hayley caught glimpses of whales and dolphins. At one point, an island came into view. It had grey cliffs rising straight up out of the water, a few tree-covered hills, each no more than five hundred feet high and what appeared to be a small sparkling white pyramid on the highest point.
Sisilla flew the craft to the highest point and touched down outside the pyramid. She then got out of the vehicle with Hayley and walked right up to the pyramid, which was roughly twenty feet both in height and width and was made of marble.
There was a small emerald crystal embedded in the pyramid. Sisilla touched it and a seven-foot-high opening appeared out of nowhere, revealing a brightly lit chamber within.
Hayley followed Sisilla into the chamber, which was pyramidal in shape with a metre-wide platform in the centre of the floor and a four-foot wide, bright crystal orb, positioned ten feet above in mid-air.
Sisilla told Hayley that the pyramid was one of thousands of portals scattered all over the Hollow Earth, each leading to the outer world. Hayley instantly knew what that meant. Her underground adventure was at an end.
Hayley embraced and thanked Sisilla who told her to stand on the platform. She stood on the platform, wondering what was going to happen. Immediately, the crystal orb glowed far brighter and Hayley vanished in a flash. When she reappeared, she found herself back in Tregeseal stone circle on the moonlit moors of Cornwall.


Author Notes: I wrote this story because I believe in the subterranean realm. What do we truly know about our world? The Earth was once believed to be flat before it was discovered to be round. Therefore, why should a round Earth not be a Hollow Earth, inhabited by peaceful civilizations wishing to communicate with us peacefully

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21 Mar, 2021
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