After the Flood

“We made it, Esther!” Jacob exclaimed breathlessly. “I thought that rain would never stop.”
It had rained continuously, by Jacobs' reckoning, for forty days and nights.
“Yes, that was some downpour alright.” Esther agreed.
“Did you, er, see anything strange while it was raining?” Jacob asked slowly; uncertainly.
“Strange? What do mean by strange?” Esther asked.
“Well, I don't know if I imagined it or whether my mind was befuddled by the weather,” Jacob said, “but I would swear that I saw this massive -- enormous -- wooden boat thing and it was full of animals, of all things!”
“Oh, Jacob. You and your imagination!” Esther exclaimed affectionately. “You must have bumped your head or something. Really, such a fanciful notion: a big boat full of animals indeed!” She giggled and hugged her husband warmly.
“Yes, I guess you're right.” Jacob agreed. “It just seemed so real, though.” he added ruefully.
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