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Alleyways #2
Alleyways #2

Alleyways #2


Gwen squeezed her eyes shut in hopes that this was all just a dream. Sadly, every time she opened them, the foggy figure was still lingering in the doorway. With each blink, Gwen feared that her life could come to an end in a matter of seconds. It took every bone in her body to stay quiet while she slowly crouched in the corner of the room. All she could do was hope for the best, and if the figure advanced further into the room, she would strike.

Gwen felt as if her heart was pounding so hard that the figure would hear her. She was on the verge of a heart attack. Seconds turned into minutes, and she was beginning to think that her mind was making everything up. Just when she thought she was officially crazy, she watched as the figure took a step forward. Her hands gripped tighter to the bat. It felt like centuries until she heard the door downstairs open and close quietly. The figure's head jerked to the right and slipped through the window located on the opposite side of her brother's room. She could hear the sound of their silent feet treading on the pedway below.

Gwen could hardly believe what happened. She could not bring herself to move even when the lights in the room flickered on. Her brother stood in the doorway, and his face slowly curved into a shape of annoyance. "What are you doing in my room?" he grumbled. Gwen wanted to yell back at him, but when she opened her mouth, whimpers and sobs were the only thing that came out. Before she knew it, tears were racing down her cheeks and, gut-wrenching sobs tore throughout her chest. Through her now blurry eyes, she saw Max's body go as stiff as a stone. His face changed from annoyance and anger to genuine concern.

Gwen lifted her head and followed the movements of Max. He was now sitting next to her, his arms slowly wrapped around her shoulders. "Look, I'm sorry if I upset you that much," he said quietly. Gwen tried to explain the night's events, but all she could manage to do was bury herself in her brother's chest and cry herself to sleep.

Author Notes: I hope you enjoyed part two of Ally ways! If you have not read part one, I suggest going and reading it so that you can gain a full understanding of what is happening to Gwen. Look for part three it will be posted shortly!

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About This Story
9 Oct, 2019
Read Time
1 min
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