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Alyssa's wish

Alyssa's wish

By Holliebug

This story is about a little 7 year old named Alyssa who is battling cancer.
She sat in the hospital bed coloring while her mother was filling out discharge papers.She was finally going home but not on good terms alyssa was going home to die.The doctor expected Alyssa to live another 6-10 weeks.Alyssa got to make a dying wish and it was to see her father who was in Iraq.But that wasn't possible so she got to have a princess party.On the way home her mother had a hard time holding back the tears.Alyssa would have at home hospice care untill she passes.The first few weeks Alyssa did really well by week 4 she had to have a feeding tube inserted and a iv put in for pain medication.week 5 was a little better she got to play with her barbies.Alyssa's mother thought she was going to lose Alyssa week 6 because she was asleep 23 hours of the day only up for 10 min at a time.She also woke up not being able to open her eyes which the nurse found out were bleeding.her corneas were bleeding which was a sign of internal bleeding.Alyssa was also having trouble urinating and stooling so she had a catheter inserted and wore adult diapers.Week 7 Alyssa could see again! Her tears came out clear so the nurse opened Alyssa's eyes and she could see.Week 8 Alyssa Demanded to be moved from the couch to the floor to snuggle with mommy.At that moment alyssa's father walked through the door.Her little face lit up and he layed down and snuggled with her and at that moment Alyssa was at peace she whispered "mommy daddy I love you" and took her last breath

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About This Story
6 Feb, 2011
Read Time
1 min
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