
I will ask you, “Why are these people losing a war they surely need to win?”
Violent eyes on freedom fighters scream of histories better left untold. These freedom fighters do not look to overthrow their government thy look to create a better one.
Anarchy is their proclamation in this clement season. Mercifully they will not win this one but the next with their burning glances. Objectification will not be their game as they are so often seen as articles.
For they are not objects, they are misunderstood by the masses. They yearn not for chaos or individualism but for organization. They instead yearn for fairness.
Screaming for equality is a life mission, remembering passion. Adventures have turned their hearts barren. Years of being abused to the point of expulsion.
You cannot eject a wave of rebels for having deep wounds. Kind is not usually an afterthought, as it was that night. Exasperated expressions lead me to wail, for this is not a war it is a cry for rememberance.
I’ll deceive just to join in with this band of seekers. I’ve had my fair share of infringement. This world is not a sad place it’s a negligent country.
Let us hold hands and cry to the sky. These freedom fighters are not lunatics they simply wish to rebuild. Not to overthrow but to start from scratch and do it right.
And so I will ask you once more, “Why are these people losing a war they surely need to win?
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