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Battle Plan

Battle Plan

By Teddie

In the middle of one of the most deadliest wars in the world one side negotiates their next move. In the room is General Smith, Captain Romajin, and David an enemy expert, and two top ranked officials Carl and Tom.
"The enemy forces are moving in and destroying our left flanks. If we do not act soon they will reach our walls." said General Smith.
"We need to train our soldiers for spontaneous attacks." added Captain Romajin. David jumped in with no hesitation to contradict Romajin. They have had a history of bad relations before the war. "If I may say so, we don't need to retrain but reteach them on the enemy. So they are one step ahead." Captain Romajin groans in dislike of the plan. "You have a different idea, Captain?" asked General Smith. But before Romajin could speak David interrupted him.
"You never think anything's good enough, lighten up." he said. Captain Romajin got even more furious, but David wasn't done. "You want me to sing you a song?" he asked.
"No." said Romajin curtly.
"But it's a love song." said David in his sarcastic way.
"Maybe now's not the right time..."
"No, General, I must make him happy."
"We have important matters..."
"If your happy and you know clap your hands. If your happy and you know and you really want to show clap your hands." sang David clapping his hands.
Captain Romajin exits violently tipping over the table and his blonde hair almost red.
"Now that he's gone lets talk about his pecs, were they not delicious." said David turning to Tom. Not knowing what to say Tom nods his head. "What about you Carl what do you think?"
"Oh, they fricken awesome. I was hoping he would make them bounce up and down."
"I don't know about you, but I'm really feeling great about this war now." Concluded David.

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About This Story
31 Jan, 2013
Read Time
1 min
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