billyyoutwo1It was he,
Who was first,
And not we,
To know that his promise was at an end,
A life of confusion was his, now.
But we were allowed to be sad.
The dark road came with the night.
I took his hand, for he was just a lad.
And there, see, ahead,
No more dread.
It is the light.
The road is paved.
At last,
We are saved.
We hurry and find the porch light, the church door.
I look down at him.
It is not so bad
For he was just a lad.
We push against the door.
For our Saviour is within.
It is He, without sin.
The door of putrid dust crumbles.
The vermin within, disturbed,
scuttles and grumbles.
We must go on then.
Nothing here for us.
I lead, he follows.
For he was just a lad.
We come by the river that we all must cross.
There is the boat.
There is the sign.
No more life beyond this point.
Trimming the sail, I say,
Are you ready, Bud.
He replies, ready Bud.
We sail on.
For he was just a lad
and I was just his dad.
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