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Beyond the Hills

Beyond the Hills

By Mitzi Danielson-Kaslik

I wish to run beyond the hills

And swim beneath the sea,

I wish to ride faster than light

For heaven is the only place for me

Beyond the hills I wish to see

Some sweet and strange melody

Dancing high above the cloud

Singing low and playing loud

Beneath the sea there will be

A school of dolphins waiting for me

Within the waves we will swim

Or sharks will tear me limb from limb

Within the light I will be alone at last

To forget the past which once haunted

Me in the place beyond the hills, beneath

The sea and faster than the light which

Guided me to a place where light is gone

And night rules over a realm of darkness.

A realm that I shall never see.

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About The Author
Mitzi Danielson-Kaslik
About This Story
15 Oct, 2020
Read Time
<1 min
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