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Beyond The Outer Limits
Beyond The Outer Limits

Beyond The Outer Limits

Franc68Lorient Montaner

"The most merciful thing in the world, is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents".—H.P. Lovecraft

I was in my private study at home writing an elaborate thesis on the subject of physics, when all of sudden I heard a loud explosion that was caused, by the reverberation of a sonic boom that had reached my ears. For a moment I was stunned by the eldritch occurrence, until I had listened more attentively for its immediate effects. I was uncertain of what had transpired or what was the derivation of the indeterminate sound.

With sudden intrigue, I rose to my feet to observe from my window, the temporary flash of a virid burst of light that was emitting from the area that was only a few miles from my house in distance. I could only ponder the cause of the light and the mysterious noise that had resounded, throughout the darkness of the night. It was sufficient to explore the inducement of its realization. Thus, began the surreal suspense of my expressed narrative.

The year was 1935, and my name is Walter Langsford. I was a scientist and professor at the University of Dartmouth. I had reached the area where the obstreperous boom was audible, within fifteen minutes elapsed. Apparently, I was not the first to arrive at the scene. A stranger by the name of Bill Johnson who was in the vicinity had arrived before me. He had witnessed the manifestation materialize from his home nearby.

According to his version of events, he has descried a meteor forming a blazing fireball that had dropped instantly from the tenebrous sky above. To the old man it had glowed, like the illumination of a shooting star. There was a large crater that was twelve feet long and ten feet wide in its terrestrial composition. A vestigial trail of dust was seen afterward, and the molten surface layer had then solidified into a salebrous, thick fusion crust, with its gradual deceleration displayed.

There was something peculiar about what the old man was telling me. He seemed quite descriptive and convincing in his argument and details related, but I did perceive during our conversation that his speech was more intellectual than his appearance would signify, as his knowledge had excelled with his acumen.

It was his aspectabund gestures that were conspicuous. I had wondered, whether or not more individuals had seen the fall of the meteor. It was possible that there were more actual witnesses, but if not, then the significant thing was to examine it and seek what remarkable discoveries were waiting to be revealed. Mr. Johnson had offered to help me take the meteorite to a safer place, but the only place that was on my mind was my laboratory. I knew it would be difficult to keep the meteorite a hidden secret.

There was no doubt in my mind that what had fallen onto the Earth was a meteoroid that had managed to pass clearly through the atmosphere, where it reached the rigid surface of the planet. I was utterly in awe of what was found, and I had never seen in person the actual image of a meteorite. Soon, the police would arrive and restrict the area, excluding any curious onlookers from encroaching. Because, I was the only qualified scientist in the small town of Barmouth, which was in the New England region, I would be in charge of examining fragments of the meteorite back at my laboratory.

It was an ambitious task to accept in my part, but I was fully determined to solve the mystery of the meteorite's origin. What I would find in my analysis would lead me to the exploration of the cosmos and what existed, beyond the outer limits that had transcended the dimension of our established reality and coetaneous evolution.

At the laboratory, I had initiated the process of my meticulous examination of the small fragments and solid pieces of debris that I had extracted from the site of the meteorite, including those of what had appeared to be from some type of resistant steel that was cobalt blue in color.

I would exhaust all my ponderous thoughts and expounded concepts, until I had concluded the following analysis. The different factors of friction, pressure and chemical interactions with the gases of the planet's atmosphere had caused the meteor to heat up and produce radiant energy that scintillated.

Upon reaching the surface it had transformed, into an incredible crater that was enormous in size and structure. The details that I had elaborated were particular in their accuracy and calculations deduced. What they did permit me was the plausibility of examining such a unique specimen of cosmic relevance. Meteorites have dated back from the earliest Solar System and are the embodiment of the most ancient existing material on the Earth. Their residual fragments have been found, from the cold rigidity of the Antarctic to the sand dunes of the Middle East.

The meteorite was mostly composed of silicate minerals, metallic and rocky material. From what I had previously studied of meteors, most of them would disintegrate then, when entering the dense atmosphere of the Earth, and mostly leave behind as a vestige, a small like pit within a terminal velocity reached.

This meteor had struck the earth with a powerful fraction of escape velocity demonstrated, leaving behind the massive crater as its existential remains. Judging from the actual size, the composition, the degree of fragmentation, and the incoming angle of the impact, the force of such collusion onto the Earth had the potential to cause widespread destruction.

The question that had lingered in my mind was to what effect would this meteorite produce any hazardous radiation that was detrimental to the town or its inhabitants? Only time would tell, but what would occur afterward was the revelation of an extraterrestrial horror of great dimensions. It was not a mere noctiphany.

The fact that it fell near the town of Barmouth, which was not that distant from the Chesapeake Bay was something that was a fascinating discovery. I could not sleep for the remainder of the night. An influx of thoughts had entered my mind and ideas that were compelling me to seek the answers to my inquisitive nature.

There was so little to examine and yet so much to speculate. To what capacity had I been able to make a thorough assessment of the fallen meteor? The constant thought that had persisted in my mind was essentially, where did it originate from? I had no advantageous recourse at my disposal at the time, except the crude instruments of my time period and my observant intelligence to rely on, with some measure of effectiveness. I would have to wait in the morning to be able to see the crater with the meteorite, to discern its recent development.

That morning, I woke up early and left my house to visit the site of the fall of the meteor. The police were still present, but they did not impede my progress or intent to study the crater and the meteorite, with my instruments of science. I had the instinctive suspicion that they were instructed to keep the meteorite a secret, until further information was obtained.

To descry, the massive crater from afar was indeed impressive, but to see it up close that was uniquely intriguing. It looked like a vivid scene from a science-fiction novel. There was no sign of radioactive material that was indicative of decay, beyond the radius of its circumference for any possible outbreak of radiation.

The local townspeople were curious to know what was in the crater, but at the same time frightful of what they did not know about the meteorite. They were superstitious people who believed in cosmic horror read, in the reports of unidentified flying objects from the extrinsic universe.

The meteorite would be brought to my house, where I could then examine it more efficaciously, within the private setting of my laboratory. I was granted permission by the mayor of the town, who had entrusted me the task of determining the complexity of the meteorite and its possible risks to the town.

I had assured him that there was no potential hazard of radiation that was emitted from the meteorite itself, by explaining its composite elements. The fact that there was a colossal crater that was manifest did not allay the fears of the townspeople.

That would be exacerbated, by the mysterious death of the first witness Mr. Johnson, who had died the day after of an unknown cause. He was the same person that I had met at the crater. His death would confound me, because there was no visible sign of his ailing health when I had seen him. On the contrary, he looked healthy to me. I had thought in my mind how could his death be related to the meteor that fell onto the Earth? Had I failed to register with my instruments any dangerous effects of radiation, or something else that was even more nocivious to his health?

It was premature of me to rush to any sudden judgment unnecessarily, knowing that I needed time to be able to conclude whether or not the meteorite had definitely contributed to his unexplainable death. An autopsy would be required for that confirmation. I would let the coroner do his work at the morgue, while I had concentrated on discovering more about the pieces of fragments collected from the site. The pieces of the supposed spaceship were still impossible to conclude its actual structure.

Only the substance could be detected. As I was observing the entire meteorite, I had noticed that there was something that had an unusual depiction of symbols that were engraved in the lower part of the meteorite. At first, I could not decipher the depictions, but after further examination I had determined that they were some kind of pictographs, similar to those that were used in descriptive hieroglyphic or cuneiform writing.

I had a volume that dealt, with the arcana of ancient civilizations, in particular, that of the period of the Pharaohs and the kings of Babylonia, but these pictographs were indeed more archaic and esoteric in nature. My intuition was telling me that they were from a primitive origin and source. Was there a message that was attached to the pictographs that was to be discovered?

It was strange to see them on a part of the meteorite. How could these pictographs have survived the blazing heat that was emitted? The only thing that I could surmise was that it must have come from an advanced society of cosmic beings from a dimensional realm of another galaxy. Was this an extraordinary meteor that had purposely been produced for interstellar travel?

Perhaps, I was imagining such things that had a logical explanation that surpassed any mere conspection or datum, but I still required a constatation of my discoveries. Anything lesser than that was simply, an example of our cyclopedic limitations. I would be visited by a policeman, who was a certain Officer Burroughs.

He had come to inquire about my discoveries of the meteorite. He was curious to know if I had made any demonstrative progress, to which I had answered by acknowledging to him that I was still studying the meteorite. He had asked me several questions, pertaining to the old man that had died, Mr. Johnson.

When I had asked him, if there were any recent news about the cause of his death, he would inform me that Mr. Johnson was murdered. My reaction was of interest to know, if the murderer had been apprehended. I would be told by Officer Burroughs that he was not.

The most revealing thing about the old man's death was his black, teterrimous eyes that were reflective of their irrepressible shade. It was as if something unnatural had shocked him. This inexplicable murder had puzzled me as well. It was the beginning to the vague enigma impressed in my mind that would persist in its consequential horror. After his departure from my residence, I had proceeded to research more on the topic of the meteor, but there was not much I could do, except attempt to figure out its trajectory.

As I was occupied with that, flashing orbs would emanate from the meteorite with a refulgent glow that would astonish me. Something active and animated was projecting, a certain image that was gravitating my immediate fascination. Soon, the image would disappear into the lights of the laboratory, leaving me bemused with what had transpired so oddly. I stood observing, wondering, pondering in my thoughts was it a phenomenon or a mere reflection of the residual heat that had glared suddenly? In my futile attempt to understand the occurrence, I was only able to make an untenable supposition at best.

For the remainder of the day, I had spent countless hours until late at night, speculating what other dark secrets were there to be discovered about the meteor? It was not that important why it had fallen exactly in the location that it did fall, instead what was relevant to me was where did it come from?

That was a difficult question that I had intuited was becoming impossible to solve, because no matter how much effort I spent on its answer, the more that time elapsed, the more I was convinced that I would never truly find sufficient information to define or describe its entirety.

That was my ultimate challenge. Space was boundless in its composition and arrangement. There were so many intricate magnalities to solve inter alia, as there were exallotriote dimensions and realms to traverse beyond their outrance.

During the night, a peculiar occurrence would befall at the mortuary. Apparently, someone had stolen the deceased body of the old man Mr. Johnson and had killed the director of the mortuary.

A policeman had knocked on my door to inform me. I was confused by what he was telling me. Why on earth would anyone want to rob a dead corpse? It made no practical sense to me, and I was clueless. Either there was a body snatcher or Mr. Johnson had risen from the dead, which was impossible.

Thus, the most obvious was the first possibility. There was a moment when I had thought I was being implicated in the theft of the corpse, but I would then be told that the policeman had come to ask for my advice. There was nothing I could advise him with, because I had no actual knowledge of where the corpse could be, but I did tell him to apprise me if it was found later.

After the policemen had left my residence that night, I was emerged in the thought of where was Mr. Johnson's corpse at, and who was involved in its removal? There were then two dead bodies, and two supposed murders that were unexpected. None of which, I had the slightest clue of their circumstances.

All that I had sensed was that it was the prelude to an extonious sequence of events that would horrify the town of Barmouth afterward. There were not that many pertinent facts to glean or to make a bold asseveration. I was not a man of the law, instead, I was a man committed to science. Everything was happening with consequences that were either tangible in substance or intangible in reality, yet they were eerily related in some consecutive aspect to the fallen meteorite I had in my laboratory.

Two days would pass, before another inusitate occurrence would take place during the night. This time a local hardware store was broken into and the owner a Mr. Ford, who was present was found dead. I happened to be driving by the area, when I had spotted the aftermath of the incident. The police had sealed off the vicinity, attempting to not let curious onlookers get closer.

When I got off my automobile, I had overheard the policemen say among themselves what had transpired. Immediately, I had linked the murder to the other ones reported. Despite the lack of accurate details in the murders, there was one common thing that was disturbing in its revelation and that was the fact that the murders had occurred, after the meteorite was discovered.

It was absurd in its notion, nevertheless, it did make me contemplative in my thoughts. How could I correlate them to the reality of what I was observing? Could it result in a corollary ascertained, with empirical evidence? I would learn that there was a witness that had seen an intruder that had killed Mr. Ford. In accordance to her testimony, she had seen a man who bore the resemblance of Mr. Johnson in appearance enter the store, and when he was approached by Mr. Ford the owner, the stranger then proceeded to murder him.

She swore that it was Mr. Johnson, but the police could not accept the inconceivable notion that the intruder was in fact, Mr. Johnson who had already been reported dead. Did she mistake the murderer for him? There was one distinctive feature she told the police, and that was that Mr. Johnson's eyes were pure black devoid of whiteness, and he had the sinister look of a dreadful ghoul. It was alarming to have three deaths reported in our small town, when it was not a common occurrence. How could these deaths remain unsolved and a mystery?

I had gone to the site of the crater, where the meteor was detected as falling, to see whatever I could surmise about any unusual activity. It had been several days, since it had illapsed into the Earth. At first, I did not notice anything that was important, until I approached closer and had discerned certain footprints that were coming directly from the vicinity of the field ahead. There was a visible sign that the footprints were heading away as well, back onto the open field from where they originated it seemed.

It was difficult to expect to know whose footprints they were, but they were those made by an individual. It was a clue, just not one that could implicate someone, taking into consideration that the footprint could have belonged to any one of the local townspeople. I had the keen impression that someone was there recently.

It was still remarkable to see the actual size of the crater, and its imposing effects had remained an enigma. Its residue was apparent but not lethal as I would conclude. I was anxious to know what more information I could gather from the residue of the material left behind.

As I had suspected there was no proof of emission of radiation. Therefore, its possible threat was discarded by my examination of the crater. Indeed, it was illogical to attempt to make a rational connection, between the meteorite and the unexplained murders that were troubling the townspeople.

As I stood with my studious observation, there was an ominous incertitude that I was experiencing, as if someone was watching me, and as if there was something odd about the crater that had remained surreptitious and elusive. What was noticeable also was that the abrupt fall of the meteorite was purely accidental, but what did the pieces of the assumed spaceship have to do with the trajectory of the meteor?

It was difficult to determine such a thing, without having amassed enough information about the spaceship's origin. The elements of suspense had grown, with the pursuit of intrigue that had impelled me to distinguish the significant pattern of my investigation.

Within the proximity of the crater, I had discerned a permanent mark that had been established with its descent onto the Earth. Whatever caused the meteor to land here just outside of Barmouth, had led me to the conclusion that it was probably, a random occurrence than some circuitous route that ended in the fields outside of the town.

I had returned to my laboratory, where I began to study in depth the meteorite. My intentions were to discover more germane details about it that I could ascribe to natural elements that were known to science. At that point, assumptions on my part were all that I could surmise, with the practical measures of concepts or theories elaborated.

The refulgent light that I had once seen before, had begun to radiate again from the hardened meteorite. When I saw it closely, I had reacted with instant curiosity, then I was transfixed with the image that I was witnessing. It had blinded me for a minute, as I approached it to touch the reflection of its light.

There was a phosphorescent glare that was of an unnatural essence. I was incapable of realizing the actual signification of the reflection from the meteorite. To speculate would only be an unfounded postulation. Matters of science were never intended to be perspicuous.

It was then that the light had mysteriously vanished, but there was something much more horrifying than the strange light, an inescapable terror that was lurking in the shadows that had emerged in its presence. Standing behind me was the ghoulish appearance of the thanatoid corpse of Mr. Johnson with his penetrating, ebony eyes. Had I seen what I was watching or was this nothing more than a terrible illusion conjured by my mind?

In the beginning, there was no utterance of words, and the being that had appeared to me was of sheer hideosity. My first reactionary impulse was to hesitate, until I attempted to communicate with the walking corpse, but it had remained quiet. It then had released a loud shriek that had deafened my ears, causing me to gradually fall to the ground covering my ears. I had screamed.

The scream had alerted one of my neighbors a Mr. Porter, who had heard me and was outside at the time. He began to knock on my door. It was enough to detract the ghoulish Mr. Johnson from perhaps murdering me. He fled the laboratory afterward. I was physically shaken by the encounter that I had to regain my composure, when the neighbor had asked me what had happened to cause me to scream. I wanted to reveal the truth to him, but how could I make him believe in the relevance of my words?

If I did not know what I had seen with my eyes, then how could I convince him of something of extramundane horror that was undead in its nature? I had to invent a concoction of a story that was credible. What I had told him was that I had accidentally fallen onto the ground. My explanation did not require much details, and Mr. Porter was not a meddlesome neighbor.

After Mr. Porter had left my house, I was still affected by the recent occurrence. I was conscious about what I had experienced, but what I was not certain was, whether or not the dead corpse would return. Science is of a specific nature that discloses exponible elements, but one that was conceived of extraneous origins from the universe had eluded my human comprehensibility.

I had to organize my thoughts and search for the inquisitive answers on my own, because I could not expect my testimony to be accepted as reliable. I had begun to believe that a sui generis force, with a zoetic inference from beyond the galaxy had managed to inhabit the Earth with its protean horror. What was inconclusive in my hypothesis was the question of what did the being that I encountered want?

If it was willing to kill, what was it seeking to accomplish? I had determined that whatever that appeared before me was no hallucination, but something that was predicated on an undefined reality. How could I prove to the others what I had seen? I would learn that there were several people that had seen the walking dead corpse of Mr. Johnson in the town. Even the police had begun to see the haunting corpse, but there was something else that I was informed about that would shock me to the core of my disbelief.

Other dead bodies were seen walking within the town. These were all deceased corpses that were previously kept in the morgue. How they had risen was unbeknown to me. All that I knew was that the people of the town had started to believe that the rising terror that was unleashed had come directly from the meteorite.

A celeritous trepidation was becoming infectious within the inhabitants. There was a priscan monstrosity from the cosmos that had crept, with a dauntless silhouette. The police had tried without much success to contain the hectic situation by shooting at the walking dead corpses that were the ghouls, but the bullets did not harm them.

Soon, the police would be forced to call in the state police for assistance and reinforcements, but neither they nor the local police could stop the threat of the cosmic horror that was terrifying the townspeople. It was a quandary that had required a thorough plan, not one that was ill-conceived.

While this was happening, I had concentrated my effort and time on resolving the mystery about the meteorite. At my laboratory, I could only intimate after further study and observation that the pictographs were the vital key to the profluence of events that were transpiring in the town that were unmissable.

I had meticulously compared them to the pictographs of the temples of the Egyptians and monoliths of the Babylonians. Was it possible that they were closely related to the pictographs that were found on the mineral fragments of the meteorite I had collected? If that was the case, then how were they relatively connected to each other and how were they transferred in their transumption?

As I began to observe more the meteorite, I had noticed that they were parts that were breaking, due to its deterioration. Sensing that there was something inside the meteorite that was undiscovered, I had proceeded to break the meteorite into halves with a hammer.

Even though it was something as a scientist, I had regretted doing, in the end it was necessary. I began to examine the innermost part of the material of the meteorite and had discovered more symbols or pictographs that were distinctively alien in origin and representation. They were like a reification of some kind of materialization.

There had to be something of considerable substance in its cosmic nature that had landed onto the Earth and was compelling the dead corpses to rise, for a purpose that had evaded me until then. I headed back to the site of the crater, and that was when, I had seen from afar, the residence of Mr. Johnson.

His house was on the outskirts of the town. I decided to go to the house, thinking I would find something that was valuable in my research, never would I dare to imagine the archaic terror that I would encounter concealed in that structured place of exploration.

There was a barn outside that I had approached with caution. I looked around to see if anyone was watching, in particular, if the ghoulish Mr. Johnson was present. I could feel my anxiety increase, as every step I took had intensified with sudden suspense.

From what I could discern tangibly, it had appeared that he was constructing some type of spaceship. With my approach, I was able to see Mr. Johnson plainly. I had hidden behind a haystack, where I could descry his activity. It had astonished me what he was trying to effectuate deliberately.

This would imply that he was either being instructed, or he had prior knowledge of what he was doing. On the outside, he had resembled an unintelligent being, but he was demonstrating some semblance of superior knowledge. Humans had evolved with neoteric inventions and concepts, but our limited prescience was inferior to those beyond the outer limits.

He had managed to collect solid materials to build his spaceship, which was not that huge in size or dimensions. It was a spaceship that was intended for only one passenger to be aboard. I did not want to alert him with my intrusion onto the property, thus I was extremely cautious to leave the barn and return to my automobile that was at the site of the crater.

As I was driving back to my home, I thought only of what I had discovered about the spaceship. I had to inform the police about this extraordinary discovery, but along the way, I would be confronted with the realization that I was dealing with a macrobian being from another planet or galaxy, whose technology was far more advanced than our primitive usage and inscience.

Whatever knowledge the alien being possessed it was not exoteric in its essence. When I returned, I would discover that someone had broken into my laboratory and had taken the meteorite. I had found Mr. Burroughs stiff and could outside. He was stone dead, and his eyes were completely black as coal.

Apparently, he was murdered. There was no doubt that his murderer was one of those ghoulish beings that had risen from the morgue. Immediately, I had spotted one of the police cars heading my way, and had informed the policemen of what had occurred and about the spaceship that Mr. Johnson was building inside his barn.

We headed toward his property, without delay. We were unprepared for the sequence of events that would ensue with a chilling outcome. Before we could reach the residence of Mr. Johnson, we had to overcome the incited mob of people that were carrying torches and rifles that were being shot at the horrid ghouls that advanced.

Desperately, I had tried to convince them to allow us to pass freely, but they were totally consternated. They pulled us out from the police vehicle and had screamed at us. It was sheer madness what was occurring in the chaos. It seemed like an unadulterated scene from Armageddon.

There was no other recourse available to us, but to reach the property of Mr. Johnson by foot. It was several miles ahead in distance. Finally, when we had arrived, Mr. Johnson was not present. Either he had left the property, or he was somewhere else nearby.

We headed toward the barn, where no one was there as well. The policeman saw what I had described to him, a spaceship. It was then complete. He was in disbelief, but once he had realized what was happening, he asked me what were we planning on doing next? He has suggested that we destroy it, but I was not that certain that it was imperdible.

I had the impression that the spacecraft's purpose was to permit an interstellar voyage. Whoever has built this spaceship was intending on leaving the planet. That was not incompossible to my logical conclusion that was contingent on the evidence presented and its provenance.

As we were contemplating the matter, Mr. Johnson had emerged from the shadows and grabbed the policeman who had assisted me, by the neck and picked him up like a ragged doll. He had choked him to death, then threw him onto the ground below with such minimal effort.

I thought I was to be his next victim, but from some unknown reason to me, he had decided to spare my life. He stood before me, with his pale countenance and darkled eyes that had reflected his dreaded state of being.

I had grabbed a pitchfork that was nearby and had warned him to not get closer. I was not willing yet to perish under his monstrous hands. I had stepped back, walking away from him in the opposite direction. I thought about running away, but he had blocked off my exit.

It was the first time then, that the innominate alien being had spoken to me, with words that I could comprehend clearly that were not involute, ''I know that you are afraid and confused, but you don't have to be.''

I was shocked by the utterance of his words, ''Who are you? And what do you want from me?''

''If I told you, you would not believe me.''

''I am scientist. I deal with the study of science.''

He then proceeded to tell me his narrative, ''I come from a distant galaxy, beyond your Solar System. My name is not relevant, or the identity of my race. Know only that I come from a superior race than yours, and that it is my intention to leave this planet and return to my own.''

''How did you get here to Earth?''

''My spaceship had collided with the meteor and was forced to find refuge on Earth.''

''Then the fragments that I found had belonged to your spaceship? I did not see it land.''

''That is because it landed on the property of Mr. Johnson. I was able to survive the crash and meteor and find the necessary materials to drag the spaceship into the barn, from where you see it at now.''

He took me to where the fragmented pieces of his former spaceship was kept, ''How did you manage to build this new spaceship of yours on your own?'' I asked.

''It was not easy, but I found the composite materials that I needed, in the metal forms of aluminum and titanium.''

''But why did you murder the other innocent people of the town?''

''That is regretful, but I had no other choice.''

''And the dead corpses from the morgue? Why did you rise them from the dead?''

''I did that to distract the town. I needed time to be able to build my spaceship.''

''How can you guarantee me what you say is true, about leaving the Earth?''

''I cannot! You can only believe my words of admission.''

''It is a terrible thing you have done, but as a man of science, I can relate to your narrative. It is fascinating to know that you are a time traveler. There is so much I could learn from you, if you were to stay.''

''Indeed, but I cannot stay. You know fully well, what would become of me. I would be examined and dissected. Is that not true, Professor Langsford?''

''Most likely, it would be the case.''

''Then you know what must be done.''

''Will you ever return to the Earth again?''

The alien being responded, ''Perhaps one day professor. Perhaps!''

The polymorphic alien said its farewell, but before it did, it left the corporeal shell that was the body of Mr. Johnson, which fell to the ground in a listless manner. It had allowed me to finally witness its true appearance endued, which was nothing analogous to any humanoid features.

They abluded in their transparency. It was slimy and had a massive head, abnormal eyes, protruding antennae, and its green skin was covered in hideous scabs that had overshadowed its gibbous body. The spaceship would burst through the open roof of the barn, and like a rocket it would leave the Earth's atmosphere to be not be detected by radars so easily.

When the police had arrived, it was too late, the spaceship had left. Only a few of the policemen who had arrived, were capable of seeing the apparent flashes of the spacecraft in the sky. They had inquired about what I had seen, and I told them everything that had happened. I had nothing to hide from them at that point, because they had seen the spaceship and its flight too. The evidence was irrefragable.

A rare thing would occur next, the remaining dead bodies wandering that were either from the morgue or had been killed by the ghouls, then suddenly fell to the ground one by one labified, to never breathe anew. They would all be incinerated—burned to complete ashes, including the corpse of Mr. Johnson, so that there would be no doubt whatsoever of their imminent return onto the Earth. The cosmic terror had ended abruptly, with the departure of the alien being in its spaceship.

As for the townspeople, they had remained in shock. The terror that had taken place in Barmouth would be a secret to not be told. Who would believe such an inscrutable tale of anomalousness? It would serve as a warning to the anthropocentrism of the posterity of humanity.

The crater would be covered with thick boulders and heavy layers of cement. The barn of Mr. Johnson would be burned to dust. There would be no traces of the meteorite or the spaceship. Only I had an intelligible semblance of knowledge about what possibly existed in the plenum beyond the outer limits.

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About The Author
Lorient Montaner
About This Story
4 Mar, 2024
Read Time
30 mins
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