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Blood Brother

Blood Brother

By sammycho


Farmer Fred was the son of a father whom had 2 wives during the cold war era. Now from the technologies of the cold war from radios to now-a-days cell phones, he became accustomed to receiving text messages. He had just received 2 text messages from his best pen pal named Darren and another figure. "Heys, just checking in on u, u fine? I noe it's been crap for me these years, I just got out of the mental hospital for Tourette syndrome." One was friendly the other wasn't yet he felt no threats from the recent messages he'd been receiving from a mysterious person named "Rendra" and apparently he was quite amused that it seemed more like a hoax to him.
Dear Fred

I will destroy your family, your wife your land and I will make you watch in horror as your happy little breadwinner life ebbs away into the shadow. You make me sick Fred, you watch, a dog has his day.

I, my, our vinglo

I've Foul o redy

Tin hag the bro half

I'm 'R' Rosy

Mean 'C' give for you

Sincerely Rendra
What is this gibberish? Is it Spanish or something? Both of these statements seemed so fabricated, it doesn't make sense and these vague threats; god knows why it's been directed to him.
He threw the fabricated letters written in blood in his bin. He chuckled to himself as if nothing had happened when the letter clearly said it would kill his wife, family and suck out his wealth slowly so he could see the pain as he would slowly fade away helpless to do anything.
A figure 100 meters away was watching intently with flashing binoculars, and then grunted once he had known the letters were thrown in the bin and fled into the shadows.
* * * * *
Within an empty parched desert the winds hurled themselves against the featureless landscape. Despite the land being so desolate, there lay a small yet cynical building in the middle of scorched land. It was dodgy in its own way; the way it was built probably explains that. Covered in rusting parapet boards, few bobs of litter there or here, thick wooden boards covering the entrance it had the appearance of a dying Kenyan shanty town slum yard. It remained so normal with those features, yet the unexplainable black sleek power generators on the back of the building seemed so abnormal. It also had huge LED lights; the size of a man's fist shimmering in the fiery hot sun, attached to it was a state-of-the-art electrostatic sophisticated supercomputer which stuck about 4/5 of its parts off the ground.
Miles away in a four wheel drive seats a mad and deranged looking scientist on his verge to discover something so taboo that made his face seemed so inflamed with a madcap look. His teeth were biting down on his tongue which was also sludged to his cheeks like a dog peering outside a car in excitement. His eyes seemed like tennis ball, without blinking or moving which would've been mistaken for a statues eye. He was glued on to the building desolate in the featureless landscape.
He was cursing to himself, his life, his failures and when his wife left him.
"Gah, that son of a bastart of a farmer Fred, his ignorance and simplicity sickens me" he coughed under his breath. He peckered his finger on a Hello Kitty doll which was tied to his finger.
Just you watch Katie I will destroy Fred, with my supercomputer I intend to destroy you, your wife, your kids and your little cheerily life. Then I intend to rule this world like a god. Then he laughed hysterically into the dry air.
The four wheel drive eventually came to its destination, when it braked a veiling cloud of dust had flung into the dry air. The mad scientist came out, his appearance was of what a stereotypical mad scientist should look like, frizzled white hair gelled back, his face square and hard, wearing his laboratory coating overalls as he walked to the entrance of the abandoned look - alike building. He smashed his way in using his bare knuckles to remove the weak wooden board. Then he pushed his body against the door, it creaked eerily. The scientist went down a gloomy staircase then eventually made his way to a single room crammed with state of the art gadgets and gizmos that techno freaks would drool over. The room was whirring with sounds and lights, buttons blinking, screens flashing; machines humming gave it a hectic environment to live.
It was cool, the room. In the middle stood a gigantic sleek black supercomputer, featureless and simple. It looked more like a fancy lifeless pod or futuristic coffin for a troll, stuck on it were a large LCD screen and a little opening for the output of the device.
The scientist smiled baring his teeth with satisfaction. He walked towards the machine and pressed the power button. It booted, asking for the passkey, only the scientist knew it himself.
He punched it into an unseeable keypad, and then it had asked for a data disk.
Waving a data disk which he pulled out from his breast pocket, he gladly whipped it into the computer which it ate the disk obediently. A message flickered on the screen and the scientist smiled maliciously.
HARBRINGER was a machine that could create anything out of nothing, never before has such a discovery or creation been made. A machine which abolished the alchemy theory, destroyer of the science principals and the supporter of the theory of creation a machine that can create anything out of nothing with a simple command. The no such for things of equivalent exchange would cease to exist. This was his act. This was his world to rule.
An Act of a Divine God. To be a God is to be Divine and to be divine is to punish.
The scientist crackled in with an uncontrollable laughter.
"Now to test my HARBRINGER, my beauty, we shall see what becomes at an end of you...Fred!" He blurted it out into the cool air. He curled his bony fingers and leered at the machine in excitement.
He punched into the keypad of the PRODUCTION button and the machine whirled and the LED shimmered frantically with flamboyant colours which made the dark room feel like a mini disco hall.
He got out a piece of paper; this was a list to test the machines capabilities.
• Money
• Beer
• Woman
"Money!" the scientist commanded.
The machine hummed then gradually buzzed with an unstable shaking in the generator. The processor was on overdrive, the metal casing started to violently quiver and low steam evaporated out of the cooling. Then it the tremor gradually died down and the machine hummed normally.
Out of output chute came a hard block of cold, hard green bills. The mad scientist walked over to the machine and squealed with exhilaration. He picked up the block of cash and smelt it, then he examined it carefully to caress the bills with his nose. Suddenly his eyes widened and his face went pale.
He saw the little printing, of Monopoly TRADEMARK Copyright: Not to be distributed.
This isn't money...Its...Its...ITS.
He glanced at the machine, to find a mocking message.
LOL...enjoy using it
The mad scientist closed his eyes, he was in a state reminiscence, passing various memories through his 180IQ brain. He struck gold. He had placed the wrong disk into the machine, he rummaged into his coat pocket to find that a red disk splashed with black ink of 'Harbringer' on it, instead he had unfortunately placed the 'Jestering Joker' into the machine. His faced turn pale to ghost white and his cheek bones bared, he sprinted over to the other side of the machine and pressed the ABORT button. A message blinkered on the LCD screen.
Nice try boi...gahahaha.
His programmed it stupidly enough not even to have an abort process; he even forgot to fix up his programming vocabulary. "Boi?" Just Great when things couldn’t get better.
He calmed himself breathing in slowly.
Maybe I can negotiate with the Jestering Joker and it may help me against destroying Fred.
He typed a message into the machine.
Can I have your cooperation to destroy Fred, please?
We'll see Suitor, we'll see.
It's a female personality? Oh Lord. I just hope this machine isn’t transsexual.
"Beer?" he asked politely.
The machine whirled and a stub of beer popped out of chute. He then turned the cap and it popped off, he swinged it down his throat. It was salty.
It's salty...Why is it salty?
He spluttered the beer out, coughing and gagging his throat. Squinting at the screen in confusion, another message blinkered.
GAHAHAHA I hope you like Jahash Urine.
He scowled and howled with fury and kicked the machine. Then he screamed at it frantically like a baby crying out for a new nappy on the floor and started to hit the machine helplessly.
Ow...Ok...Ok I'll help on this one, I'll give you anything from now on. A new message blinkered.
Standing up, he fixed his tie and returned to his normal madcap expression.
"Women" he commanded.
Your Wish Is My Command.
This time the machine went into over clocking speed, something beyond what it was currently capable of. The casing tore off and the steam seeped from all side and an uncontrollable shaking made the scientist skin stand on end as he watched his machine almost destroy itself. Thick smoke filled the room with the effects of the thick humidity making the scientist sweat, from both terror and hotness.
Out of the cute came a deranged looking women in her 80s, she had white frizzy curly hair up to her chest. She was hideous, buck tooth, saggy dry shin and a snout that made a pig look human.
"GAH!!!" the scientist screamed, "You mocked me, you still mock me, I created you to destroy farmer Fred, you are my servant OBEY!!" he shrieked.
Feh...the day I obey you is the day I turn human, It’s was what you asked for wasn’t it, “A Women” you just never specified the age and by the way that woman has taken a liking to you.
The deranged woman crawled to the scientist, and started to lick the scientist boots. Stress spiked through the veins of 48 year old’s brains; he was in shock from the events that were so instantaneous. His skin was shaking with a violet quiver and the trigger from the old women had set of a spark in his body.
Errgh My Torrente’s their coming back.
"Blast! Crap! Shit! Bitch!" he screeched almost petrified, trying his best to hold it in but it was too late.
Your wish is my Command. The LCD blinked.
“Huh? No sto-” the scientist turned to glimpse before an unpredicted event occurred.

* * *
Farmer Fred had a bad year, his crops hadn't had grown as big due the increase in fertiliser prices. He sighed from his tractor in dismay, then swiping the sweat from his brow he came out of the tractor facing the sun. He squinted a look to see a huge mushroom cloud expelled itself into the air, his eyes blinked twice to see if he was imagining things.
A cataclysmic explosion had occurred a mile away, it was brown and a strong stench suddenly expunged in the air. Farmer Fred covered his nose and shouted to Margret, "Margret, did you place the fertiliser into the crops?" Fred questioned to the house. From the house a small yet hear able squeal could be heard, "No honey, I was going to sprinkle it this afternoon after you finishing sowing."
Fred was confused. Then suddenly a meteorite suddenly smashed onto the farmland, Fred winced at the shock and cowered in his tractor. It was followed by another, and then eventually showers of meteorites the size of a small truck started to hit in the hundreds.
The world is coming to an end! IT's Wormwood! The Armageddon!
Some small debris hit his straw hat; he whipped it off and examined it with his fingers in curiosity and terror.
It's not rock, its animal excretement and human faecal matter. I’ve struck Gold. This isn't punishment from above; God gave me another source for myself to grow my crops.
"Thank you Lord, this may not be gold, money or power but even this animal and human excretement will allow my family to live long years, Thank the Lord, Thank the Christ!" he shouted into the open air in great happiness.
His head whipped around to check himself if he was hurt, then the tractor for damage. To the farmer’s dismay he found a charred dead female dog on the tractors old wheezing engine. Raining dog? It really must be the end of the world...
Nil could be found on the other equipment so he could go home without great disturbance, yet the feeling of other survivors filled his mind.
Wait, it must have been an explosion to cause such a disturbance; then maybe I should examine the area for survivors, the impact of raining shit and dogs was quite devastating.
He ran over his muddy hand on the four wheel drive tractor and tossed the dog on the plough field and started the engine, it crackled yet it was still moving. He drove into the dusty desolate land and smiled to himself from the turn of events.
* * *
2 corpses lay on top of one another; the lower corpses shifted the one on top. The lower figure grunted as he placed tossed the other on the floor. The top corpse was of female, it was disfigured, scorched and charred like a burning charcoal oven. The lower figure was lucky; he had instantaneously used the singed corpse as a shield at the very last second of the blast. Despite him surviving the blast, he was dying from the shock he could already feel it in his veins, his head felt so woozy and his eyes glinted into the sky dumbfound and lost, as if he had entranced himself into an enchanted dream. He felt no touch. He heard no sound. He could see the blinding light of the scorching sun caressing against his face. He felt no hate. He felt so peaceful.
So this is how it feels when you’re dying.
He smiled, then his face crumpled to a sadden look. The regret crawled up his spine, making his body all the more sluggish and hard. Just when he was about to fade away with regret the sound of minute footstep could be heard. Then an umbra of a shadow appeared in his field of vision, a figure slowly descended on him, a straw hat, a familiar hard face with slanted eyebrow, it wasn't just anyone it was Fred! Strengthening himself with his remaining stamina he turned to look face to face with the man he hated the most in his life. Despite that he had no feeling in him, he felt emotionless and empty.
"Fred?" the scientist croaked.
Fred seemed dumbfound, confused at his identity being blurted out as if familiar from this stranger.
"Umm Do I know you?" Fred questioned cautiously.
The scientist crackled a dying laughter and coughed out blood as he was fading away into the shadows of Sheol.
“Oh my god your coughing blood, I should call the flying doctors service to get you out of here ASAP! Don’t talk, don’t waste your strength, I’ll get help as soon as possible” Fred said.
“No!”, the scientist protested, still defiantly refraining from dying yet also from keeping quiet.
"Fred...Fred...I wish I had known you for longer but this might be the place where I must depart from you" the scientist said.
"What? How? Who are you? How do you know me?" Fred demanded.
The scientist let out another crackled laughter, this time spillage of blood from his mouth was apparent as he was wheezing. Fred paused and waited for the scientist to converse instead of him butting in.
"I think I've learned from experience Fred, You just can't hate anyone forever and ironically my own creation has taught me that" the scientist said while smiling, baring his bloody teeth.
"What do you mean?" Fred questioned, obviously lost.
"I envy you Fred, I hate and love you, you’re so close to me, yet you might not realize it" he said while reminiscencing. He rummaged his coat pocket a gave a letter to Fred. Fred accepted the letter and kept it at his side.
“Don’t open it until I’m not around” the scientist wheezed.
“Huh? What do you mean not arou-?”
“Silence, do not butt in while I’m talking Fred” the scientist commanded defiantly yet dying from the conversation. Fred nodded reluctantly.
"I shall tell you why this happened, I just hope this might clear things but before that I need to tell you the background of the cause, me. I was born around here, I had one mother, no father, he abandoned me the moment I was born...Then sadly on my fourteenth birthday my mother died of a heart stroke, reliving a memory off losing your loved one is a nightmare”, the scientist said darkly.
Fred nodded agreeing and offered him to continue.
“I was then placed in an orphanage from there I was raised. My caregiver had been my mother's maid and explained everything to me about my origin and from there I discovered my other father's side. By the time I heard about him he had already passed away and left his inheritance to his only son. Obviously I was angry, since he hadn’t given me anything and the fact that he’d abandoned my mother and me when we had just been together as a family for a few seconds”
Fred nodded oblivious to the story, yet he was interested, then he smiled.
The scientist blinked his eyes, breathing in deeply he continued. “From my youth I was inflamed to hunt and destroy the offspring of my father; I hated everything he stood for, his life, his wife, and his children and how he could live such a life of happiness. I grew accustomed to this hatred, I nurtured it, lived with it and it lived of me like a leech. It was sucking the life out of me...just when I thought I had lost hope from my zealous hunt ending failure, I met my wife Katie. Everything seemed to disappear when I met her, for the first time I was actually happy in a long time, my clouded vision, everything I had strived for through the nurtured hate seem to disappear, but I knew that it wouldn’t last when a half depressed man would continue to nagger his wife into solving all his problems for him. She left me eventually.”
"I'm so sorry for your loss” Fred said while his eyes turned bloodshot red.
“Please don’t be” the scientist murmured. “May I continue?”
“Yes please do” Fred nodded like an obedient dog.
“When Katie left me, all I had left of her was a Hello Kitty doll. I know it seems so stupid but I treasure it more than my life. I still do love her, don’t get me wrong but she just couldn’t take it anymore, my ticks from Tourette and my constant nagging it just made her sad just as much as I was...The day she went out that door, a feeling of dread consumed me, a lurking shadow of hatred anger were inflamed to blame the father of the cause which had left me to witness my mother depression and death and inevitably the sole cause my depression. Since I couldn’t do anything to my own father, all I could think of was to attack his loved and cared for offspring. The very essence of his existence sickened me every day, it turned my gut inside out and hurt me so much that I was placed in a mental hospital which I escaped a year later-” by this time Fred was sobbing, eyes blood red yet and tears brimmed from his eyes. “I hate this son and his father already from your loss, I’d hate that man” Fred wailed. The scientist crackled a bitter laughter. He so honest and true, a gentle harmonious spirit the gods have blessed.
“You should really reconsider if you’d hate that man” the scientist said.
“No...I would thoroughly hate him” Fred retorted, shaking his head.
“You won’t when you meet him, he’s honest and virtuous” the scientist said while smiling.
Fred was held in utter horror, disbelief in what he just heard. Fierce anger swelled up through his chest like a thunderstorm about to be released into the world but he kept it in for the sake of this poor man’s dying condition. It seemed like a passing thunderstorm missing the village. He should be given the last minutes of his life in peace rather than in more sadness and grief from a stranger’s sympathic rage.
“I don't know who you are?”Fred said sincerely, wiping away his tears and controlling himself.
"You will know" the scientist said, "I just wanted to know you better Fred, just you"
Fred nodded not knowing what he meant. “Just me?" Fred replied confused.
“I’m Fred She, I enjoy my life with my beautiful wife, 2 gorgeous boys that the lord has blessed and I like my farming and flowery because it’s practical and it give me satisfaction to see thing grow into things that give pleasure to people. Despite it being low pay...I still enjoy my job to put smiles on others, I think that would be my wage.” Fred said enthusiastically.
The scientist nodded approvingly at Fred’s reply.
"Come closer Fred and I’ll tell you who I am, right after I tell you open the letter" the scientist said, Fred nodded.
Fred closed in closer, cautiously placing above his ear against the scientist. The scientist told a dying message.
"Darren" he whispered then he slumped down slowly lifelessly into the wind with a grin on his square face.
Fred stood dumbfound then he, carefully opening the letter he found a bunch of writing which he found similar. The first was so surreal and seemed so unlike what it was. It looked like the threat letter smeared with blood but it was different, it didn't have the threats but just had the gibberish.

Dear Fred

I've Foul o redy
I love you Fred

I'm 'R' Rosy

I, my, our vinglo

Tin hag the bro half

Mean 'C' give for you


Oh My God, It's an Anagram! Fred quickly raced his mind to figure out the code that the stranger had tasked him to complete. He scribbled the letter with a mind that paced up and down. After 30 painstaking minutes of hard brain working he had finally figured out the code, he was swepted away. He stood there dazed as if he felt a shock of great magnitude.

I've Foul o redy
I love you Fred

I'm 'R' Rosy
I'm Sorry

I, my, our vinglo
I'm your loving

Tin hag the bro half
And hating half brother

Mean 'C' give for you
Can you forgive me?

* * * *
His eyes brimmed with hot tear which splashed down his soft cheeks. He cried and laughed tossing away the letter as the wind spirited it away. His eyes were of dying pale glint, a man now filled with loss and sadness as the last of his family members were swept away into the void of the winds. So Darren was Rendra, his favourite pen pal, the figure that always hided in the hills watching me, the man who hated him the most and his father too, the man who threaten his life, his wife, his children and his land...yet he didn’t know one thing that could’ve been the forgiven him for these crimes. He never knew he was his half brother. He could feel the crushing weight of his grief, as he slumped down to embrace the dead man that was his brother.
"Yes!" the farmer shouted into the blue. "Yes! I Forgive Darren, Come back! Please I don't want to lose another person from me please Darren come back! I just came to know you! I don’t care if you hate me I still love you" he yelled helplessly. He wailed and howled on and on. His eyes were sore and red from sadness, tears rolled down his necks and cheeks and it splashed the ground like hard mercury. He felt the hardening cold air cooling his cheeks and the sun beating on his back as if to comfort him from his grief. He held his brother in his arms and wept all day, all night and almost for an eternity.

1 Week Later

A slow breeze passed between a sleek priceless marble stone, it was curved on the tips with great extent. The polishing was flawless, it glinted in the sunlight and a looming figure was standing in the bitter cold wind of Rookwood cemetery in front of a particular cemetery stone. The figure was wearing an all black set excluding the shirt; his hair gelled aback with frizzled locks. He offered prayers of peace about the deceased person that laid there.

On the gravestone laid a half burnt hello kitty doll smeared animal excretement, 2 burnt out computer disks which had both “HARBRINGER” & “JESTERING JOKER” splashed on them, a cremation of the dead dog, a vast array of flowers from the first bloom of Fred’s flowery with the help of excretement and faecal matter and a trinket which was a minute vial filled with blood lied there. Further in front laid a message:

Here Lies Darren She

May he rest in peace,
Undisturbed from the world’s pain
and live with God fingers in happiness.

The figure approached the gravestone and placed a letter and a poem on the gravestone, the seal was smeared with thick maroon blood. The poem read:

May the sun caress your face
May your body feel the wind chase
Let the roads take you far far far away
A place where there is no sadness, some say
May god give you peace as you come face to face

The figure thought about the letter and what it read, from memory he reminiscenced the content of the letter it read:

Dear Darren

It's matter how far you are away from one another, they always return but in great misgivings sometimes. No matter how one hates another, there is one who always loves. It’s a bond that loves and hates and runs thick in the blood of many. I think it also run in us too. Don’t you think so?

It’s the feeling of brotherhood. Forever in Blood. We are Bloodbrothers.

Sincerely Fred

Standing up still as a soldier, his eyes closed, a single tear trickled down his cheeks.
He turned away and walked away not realising that the howl of the wind was whispering “Bloodbrothers”.

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About This Story
28 Oct, 2010
Read Time
22 mins
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