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Breaking apart at the seams

Breaking apart at the seams

By Creed

My heart aches
My heart breaks
As skin tears
And bones break
My heart breaks
My heart aches
Over a small matter
My heart aches
At the loss
The loss of control I'm having
My heart breaks
At that heat of anger
A fire not idled
An anger so Fierce and unbridled
My heart aches
My heart breaks
As I let the reigns GO
skin can break apart so easily
The seams drop from me littering the floor
And releasing
The confines of our imprisonment of our minds
The mind can wonder
The mind can shatter
No different then that skin that can tear so easily then paper
My heart aches
My heart breaks
As that fire controls me and shakes me
Wondering when
When will we be free
When will we be happy
Free to be me
Free to be himself
Free to be ourself
Without the flash bulb
Without the airs
Without the presentation of perfection
To be and strive for happiness
Pajamas past noon
In his arms on a cold morning
Drinking tea on a warm day with no responsibilities
Toys scattered without a care
TVs blaring
And music jamming
No worries about those eyes
That stare judging
Judging me
Judging him
Judging the innocent little one
And spouting lies
My heart aches
And my heart breaks
When they make that innocent but not so innocent little boy cry
Because he wonders
Why dont they love me
Why do they hate me
Why do they hurt me
But his fear becomes too surreal
When the little man thinks everyone is judging
Including the ones that really do love him
Forcing him to fight back
Forcing him to speak up
Running against those storms of
Tears streaming down his little brown eyes
My heart aches
My heart breaks
As I'm done holding my tongue
Done holding back
The anger
The tears
The frustration
I'm not gonna take being forced to give respect when demanded
Respect is earned
Not given
You have never given
You have never learned your lesson
Lessons on
Compassion and love
Respect and dignity
You have taken
Taken the old ways and bent them
Bent them to fit your presentation of perfection
Taken the new to cloud your eyes and ears with them
YOU let it happen
You hid truths with your covered lies
You've tried sweeping things under that rug
The rug has lifted
long ago
You make excuses
You sit behind that cold door brooding
Long ago you also wondered why
And you accuse me of making a mistake in my choosing
Choosing to trust
Choosing to love
Because you've made me wonder why
I'm falling apart at them seams
As my heart breaks and aches for the losses
I lost someone today
Someone I never thought to be cautious of
Someone I thought precious
Someone I thought changed
Precious enough I let break through our hearts like those wonder whys that boggle my mind


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About This Story
4 May, 2020
Read Time
2 mins
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