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broken smile

broken smile

By guaphellamhor23

A broken smile,
Don’t you notice it?

Every time I catch a sight of you
Every time I hear your child like voice
Every time I smell that scent you wear
Every time I feel you’ll be near me
I stop, time stops.

I can’t resist you
My heart jumps whenever you’re around
My ears try to hear even your softest sound
I try not to make you see me
I try to put away my feelings for you
I try to avoid all these

But my days are not complete without you
Without even just a single sight or a thought of you
Your nice looking face that makes me wants to stare at you twenty four-seven

But it’s not just your face that makes me feel this way
Your presence is something I always wish to have
I want to see your smiles meant for me
I want to hear your songs sung for me
I want to read your letters dedicated for me
And I want to hear you say you live with a heart intended to be with me

You’re someone I never expected
Came and been with me for more I’ve wanted
That all from a sweet smile started
I never thought you’re whom why I’ve waited

That sweet smile was long gone and ended
It is now broken and never will be mended
I don’t know why I can’t be contented
Maybe because my heart in you is contended

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About This Story
2 Oct, 2011
Read Time
1 min
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