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Broken Things
Broken Things

Broken Things

MistyJJPAmber Jones
1 Review

There is beauty in broken people

there is beauty in broken hearts

there is beauty in broken dreams

there is beauty in broken things

Everyone has their story,

things that wrecked their souls,

bringing about novel impairment;

there is beauty in broken people

To the part of ourselves we give

strangled and shredded in the hands of another,

left barely beating in order to better love;

there is beauty in broken hearts

When our hopes and dreams are lost

in the closed doors of life,

new doors open and dreams peak through;

There is beauty in broken dreams.

When dawn breaks a new day awakens,

the sky ignites in a variegated display

and beauty glares despite the fallen night;

there is beauty in broken things

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About The Author
Amber Jones
About This Story
13 Nov, 2020
Read Time
<1 min
5.0 (1 review)

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