First to start, I'm a Girl. For about half a year, i've fallen for my teacher. Im her student, she's my teacher. I love her so much..i've fallen everything in her..but I knew it from the start i couldn't have her..but no matter how hard i try everyday, telling myself "Give it up, it's never gonna work. She's your matter how hard you hope, nothing will happen." all this...everyday...i still miss her, my mind is completely filled with her. Once, it was teachers day, i didn't dared to make her anything because i felt kinda awkward & I was afraid to give it to her..but i'll tell you, after that, I REGRETTED IT. I finally took up some courage to make her a small card & planning to pass it to her before school ended. But as we were dismissed, i immediately went to look for her, but i couldn't see her anywhere. I was so depressed...i went home, cried so hard.."Im sorry.." kept chanting in my mind making me cry harder, because i knew. I you wouldn't be my teacher next year anymore..this was my very last chance to make something for you, but i failed..i failed to pass it to you..Im sorry. It looks like a small matter to well, i guess everyone..but no one can know how i felt...losing the person you love so much.
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