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Bye, Bye, Brother (Pt. 1)
Bye, Bye, Brother (Pt. 1)

Bye, Bye, Brother (Pt. 1)

4 Reviews

Where did you go? Why did you leave me? I've always wondered why you did what you did. I've tried to convince myself that you had a somewhat reasonable explanation for what happened. But anyway, there I was, standing beside you, in a hospital room.

1 Week Earlier:

I was hanging out with my friends when my older brother Jeremy gave me a call. Reluctantly, I answered. Here's how it went:

- Hey Lil' sis, is Dad around?
Said, Jeremy
- No... Well yes, actually he just walked in the gate with my mom. (we have different moms)
I said
- Can you pass him to me?
He asked
-S-sure? Is anything wrong?
- Well, I don't think I should be the one to tell you this...
He said
-Oh my goodness!!! Can you just tell me?!
-Fine. I don't want you to freak out but John got into a car accident
Said, Jeremy
Shocked, I gave my phone to my dad and told him it was important.

1 week later

My dad was in Arizona with my brother and his mom. Meanwhile, I was at home, with my mom poking at my food, unable to swallow anything. My brother was in the ICU which is a medically induced coma. He had been unconscious for a week. The question was, "Is he going to survive?"

Author Notes: This is a true story. This was one of the hardest times of my life. There will be a few more parts. Thank you for reading!

- rose

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About This Story
25 Mar, 2019
Read Time
1 min
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5.0 (4 reviews)

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