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Call of the Wild
Call of the Wild

Call of the Wild

1 Review

I am surrounded by grey.
Grey skies,
grey buildings.
Only a couple of times I have caught a glimpse of you, over those grey dark buildings.
Only a glimpse of your green trees and your blue streams.
I no longer hear the sound of your birds,
the sound of the wind in your trees.
But you call me.
Every day.
I hear you calling me.
I want to run free with the wolves
Splash in your lakes, rivers, and streams.
I want to sing with the birds.
I want to feel the wind on my cheeks.
I want to see blue sky, no pollution.
I want to feed fish, play with the deer.
I want to pick flowers, roll around in the grass.
I want to roll down your hills.
I want to see you.
I want to hear the call of the wild.


Author Notes: title inspired by the book Call of the Wild.

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About This Story
30 Mar, 2019
Read Time
<1 min
5.0 (1 review)

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