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penquin_feetRachel Elizabeth
1 Review

You are always changing.

You’re constantly learning, adapting, growing, and making different decisions. And through that process, you change. Sometimes it’s little things, like changing up your usual style of outfit. Sometimes it’s big things, like deciding to move across the country. No matter what you do, you are going to experience some sort change.

The person that we are and the people that we were, they’re different. Are they not? Every version of you is a version worth remembering, no matter how good or bad. Every stage you’ve lived through is a stage that has brought you closer to the version you are now; just as the version you are now brings you closer to the versions yet to come. We are all ever-changing beings. So don’t be disappointed when a season fades or a chapter ends; that’s just part of life. But also do not dwell on how good old versions were. If you stay stuck wishing for the past, you’ll miss the future. You must chose to find the joy in the moment you are in. Don't get caught in the stress of the future that you lose the freedom that comes with living in the moment. When you look back what will you see? Did you enjoy the good? Or did you lose the good in worry?

Think about it. Somewhere, someone didn't wake up this morning. You did, so no matter how hard it is, make it count.

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About The Author
Rachel Elizabeth
About This Story
14 Feb, 2022
Read Time
1 min
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5.0 (1 review)

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