By Madison_Writes - 3 Reviews
Closets are not just for gays, skeletons and monsters.
They are for thoughts,
the ones too dark for day.
We hide our darkest of thoughts in these closets,
for we have a fear of being judged.
We lock these closets and hide them in the darkest parts of us.
Where only the people closest to us can find them,
if they dare venture that far into our souls.
Our broke souls,
worn down by heart breaks, betrayals, and loneliness.
We stay this way until that person comes.
That person who's kiss heals every broken,
depressed area.
That person who comes and makes a home of our closets.
No matter how dark.
No matter how scary.
They come and turn our demons to Angels,
Hells to Heavens.
They help make our closets a better place,
to where we show the world,
"This is what I have been through,
I made it out,
This is my
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