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Confusing Love Part Five
Confusing Love Part Five

Confusing Love Part Five

BookNerd123Black Sheep
2 Reviews

(Atlas's pov.)

James leads me into the gym, I have passed by so many times but never went in. Its pretty much a large room with tons of work out equitment. "Hi,James. Who is your friend?" A girl with short blond hair and deep blue eyes asks. "I am not his friend," I say just as James throws an arm around my shoulder. I glare up at him.

"Oh. James, I have been meaning to ask you-" He cuts her of. "I am not interested in you." I feel my eyes go wide because any straight guy would be interested in her. I throw my arm around James's waist. "Babe, you didn't tell her?" James stares down at me and I give him a false smile.

"Cassandra, this is my boyfriend Atlas." I smile and stick my hand out, she shakes it. "James, you are gay?" I look up at James and he stares straight ahead looking over Cassandra. "Yes, I am gay."

Cassandra smiles and walks off, I pull away from James and walk straight towards the changing room. He follows me. "I have some extra clothes but I am not sure if they are the type of clothes you work out in."

"Why did you do that?" I turn around towards him. "You were extremly uncomfortable." His shoulders fall slightly, "you cannot tell anyone." I smile,"tell anyone what?"

He grins,"thank you. What clothes do you have?"

I hold up a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

"That will work." I walk into a stall and change clothes. I shove my clothes in a locker and wait for James. James walks out in gym shorts and a t-shirt.

"Come on,Babe. Let's go workout." I amile and slap his shoulder.

"Let's start on the treadmills." He leads me over to a row of treadmills and starts running on one. I pick the one to his right.

I begin to run. About three minutes in; my legs are burning, my arms sting, and a stitch pinches my side.

"How about some weight lifting?" I stare open eyed at him. "Okay." He laughs,"unless you give up."

"I will never give up." I say crossing my arm and walking over to the weights.

Author Notes: Part FIve

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About The Author
Black Sheep
About This Story
20 Nov, 2020
Read Time
1 min
5.0 (2 reviews)

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