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Connected-Part Five
Connected-Part Five

Connected-Part Five

BookNerd123Black Sheep
1 Review

(Lennon Mokely´s pov.)

I pull my hair up into a ponytail so you can see the shaved part underneath, pull my t-shirt on over my bindder, and a pair of baggy jeans. I tie my converses, grab my bag, and walk out of my room. ¨Have fun at school today. ¨ My mom shouts from the kitchen. My little brother smiles at me,¨bye brother.¨ I smile,¨You got it right.¨ He gives me a thumbs up,¨ I am getting better.¨

I crank my car and pull out of my driveway. I take a deep breath before stepping out of my car and into the busy bussiling school parking lot. I make a beeline for the entrance to the school but am interrupted in front of the door. A tall blond bear of a boy stands looming over me.

¨Are you a guy today or a pansy?¨ I flinch away from him. Someone´s arm wraps itself around my shoulder, I look up and see Peter Forester. Peter Forester is a tall baseball player with bulging musceles and a brain. He smiles sweetly down at me. ¨Why don´t you leave him alone?¨ His voice is low and husky, sounding dangerous. ¨Sorry Peter. I did not know she was your friend.¨ I stare up at Peter but he isn´t looking at me. ¨He. Now say sorry. Everyone is my friend.¨ Peter says, arm still around my shoulder.

¨Sorry, Bro.¨ He says and walks away. Peter moves his arm away. ¨Sorry about him, he is just another dick in this school.¨ I nod, totally confused. ¨Well, I have to get to class. See you around.¨ I nod and he walks away. Not even five seconds later my phone buzzes with a message.

Napolean:How is your morning going so far?

Author Notes: Hope you enjoy.

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About The Author
Black Sheep
About This Story
19 Jan, 2021
Read Time
1 min
5.0 (1 review)

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