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Connected-Part Two

Connected-Part Two

By Black Sheep - 1 Review

(Parker Forester´s pov.)

Unknown Number: Hello, I am not going to tell you my name and you do not tell me, your number was carved into a picnic tabel at the park and I chose to message you.

Parker: um..okay

Unknown Number: Is that how you normally start a conversation?

I laugh, getting odd stares from my mom and dad.¨ Can I please be excused?¨ My mom nods,¨yes,dear.¨ I jump up and walk to my room, locking the door behind me.

Parker: No but I normally don´t talk to total strangers either.

Unknown Number:Fair enough. Ask me any guestion, then you can know a little about me.

I pause, trying to think of the perfect question.

Parker:What is your favorite song?

Unknown Number: I have two favorites; Body by Jordon Suaste and Robin Hood by Anson Seabra. Yours?

I smile and jot down the songs on my palm, so I can listen to them later.

Parker: Train Wreck by James Arthur. Your turn to ask a question.

I wait anxiously.

Unkown Number: What is your favotite Ice cream?

Parker:Napolean. Yours?

Unknown Number: Cherry Garcia. Your turn.

I bite my lip trying to think of a good question.

Parker: Are you a boy or girl?

Author Notes: Hope you enjoy.

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About The Author
Black Sheep
About This Story
14 Jan, 2021
Read Time
1 min
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4.0 (1 review)

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