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Curve Ball

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Curve Ball

By Meggraces

Don’t you just love it when the world throws you curve balls? Like when life seems so close to perfect and then bam something comes around and turns it all around? I find it absolutely insane to think that we all go through such similar problems but we seem to judge or bully each other for doing the same damn things. This world is filled with so many beautiful lies and deceiving emotions. We are all stuck in our own little world slowly trying to live on with our days. One day I believe that we will all just fade away into the wind and we all had our life to live; so I guess you could say I am something like a hopeless romantic. I have high hopes for this world to become a better place. But until we realize what small things in life have the power to kill us, we will just be living in the motions, day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute. Good luck my friend; this world is a bitch...


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About This Story
15 Feb, 2017
Read Time
<1 min
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