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the weight of today is heavier than my bookbag.

as much as i try to blow them away, the clouds in my head are still there.

i'm present in the moment, laughing with my friends, and don't get me wrong, i love them and every second i get to spend in their company, but something still feels off.

sitting quiet on the way home, curled up in my sweater, staring out the window as if the ever-changing view has the answers. (spoiler: it wants you to think it does but it can only give you the first step to figuring things out)

ate a salad in an attempt to be healthy.

homework's waiting on me, invisible shackles swinging from its hands as it taps its foot, impatient.

cmon, you'd better do this now than later on when you'd rather sleep.

i laugh, nod my head in agreement, but i breeze right past it on my way out the door.

there's only one way to fix this.

type in the song, place my device down, step away, wait for the intro,

and just let everything go.

yes technically i haven't danced since i was little. professionals would scoff at my form, but then again, there's no one here to watch me,

just me, the music, and the soft grass beneath my feet slowly washing my troubles away. it's not like i have that many troubles. i love my life, but it just gets heavy. if anything, i make it heavy for myself, trying to take on burdens to help everyone out.

but right now, there's just the breeze,

the ranks of clouds rolling in.

the real world shrinks away

leaving me a chance to refresh,

to start again,

put things in perspective like they should be

just like the way you told me.

i forgot your exact words,

but i understood what you were trying to say

there is a lot to do,

and life can be overwhelming,

but take it one thing at a time

find what helps you unwind

take a deep breath

and things will work out.

i come to a stand still, facing the storm

and i think i've found what you were talking about.

Author Notes: to the person this was kinda-sorta written to:
you mean the world to me. thank you for always being there to listen and sit beside me on the good days and the bad days. <3

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About This Story
14 Apr, 2021
Read Time
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