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Dark Tunnel

Dark Tunnel

By Skylar - 1 Review

“She’s been left in a dark tunnel, and the one who left her promised to come back. So she waits quietly, patiently, but doubt creeps in. She hears them call that they’re still nearby, but she hasn’t felt them in so long. Others in this dark tunnel tell her how the one that left her is so kind, is so caring, and is so understanding, and so her cries of how long she’s waited are selfish and unreasonable. When she begins to travel alone, they come back and remind her why she waits. She doesn’t know how long it’s been, how long she’s been in the cycle of waiting, taking a step, being stopped, then waiting again, and again, and again. She hears the praises from the others, the doubts of her mind, swirling and pressing against each other. How long will she be left alone in the dark?”

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2 Nov, 2020
Read Time
<1 min
4.0 (1 review)

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