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50 People Dead
50 People Dead

50 People Dead

negatorrimonique giannoni
2 Reviews

50 people dead
And yet the man still said
He didn’t know enough
About white supremacy stuff
To comment any further
But that was clearly murder
It’s origin was hate
No need for a debate

He feigned not knowing
If white supremacy is growing
And said to one and all
The problem’s really small
But the facts seem to shout
The supremacists are coming out
We find them everywhere
Which is cause enough to fear

But that’s not on his radar screen
If you know what I mean
You see he’s more inclined
To be deaf, dumb and blind
When it came to religion or race
He doesn’t want to disturb his base
And I don’t know if the case is
He himself is a racist

A lot of things tend to slip
Because he’s lacking in leadership
So supremacists just let it rip
And they have us in his grip
But they have to be checkmated
Cuz’ their power is overrated
Though when our leadership is corrupted
They’ll continue uninterrupted

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About The Author
monique giannoni
About This Story
24 Feb, 2020
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5.0 (2 reviews)

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