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Dealing With Depression for Me
Dealing With Depression for Me

Dealing With Depression for Me

1 Review

On the outside you see me smile,

but on the inside I'mean screaming.

I often wished and prayed, that it were i dead and not my sister.

I would take prescription drugs by the bottles to try and stop the pain,

and even slash my arms.

They only helped for short periods and I needed something more.

My head is full of madness,

with the voices telling me

I'm no good and worthless.

Why can't the pain go away and let me live a happy life.

I finally found my happy place

in Puffing on ICE.

It helped me forget my pain and be in my own perfect world.

I almost lost my life from it,

on more than 1 occasion.

But for some reason I can't go on without it.

I'm feeling so depressed and flat right now because I haven't had any for over a week.

I guess that shows how fucked up

I really am, to have to rely on that.

What is wrong with me.

Author Notes: This is only a small portion of my depression and my first short story to be submitted.

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About This Story
22 May, 2018
Read Time
<1 min
4.0 (1 review)

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