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Dear Counseling Office,
Dear Counseling Office,

Dear Counseling Office,

1 Review


Okay... I sort of cut my thigh. With like a razor... I was just in the heat of the moment and the razor was the closest thing to me.

It hurts a lot. And I really REALLY don't think it's a great idea to tell anyone. Because they already think I'm trying to get attention... (So I hurt myself for attention) Which is untrue. Well untrue in my head.

And if you think the same then I guess so... Um, so at the moment please don't tell anyone.

Seriously I've already had problems with depression and stuff but I haven't done this before. I don't know what to do... I know you have to tell someone but I'd love it if you didn't.

Jeez, this really sounds like I'm an attention seeker.

I hate this.

I always seem to be trying to get some kind of attention.

The blood has probably stained my blanket.

Not that I had cared at the moment.

I was just trying to go to sleep.

The cuts on my thigh were burning. It felt like I was slowly burning a Saltine Cracker in Science. Slow... You could slightly hear the cracker bubbling and crackling as the fire slowly ate it up.

I couldn't sleep and when I did it was only for a little while.

I woke up again because I felt like something was being torn every time I moved.

What didn't help was my nose was reacting to my allergies. I could barely breathe. 12 in the morning, everything hurts, and I can't breathe.

I was delusional so there had been many moments in that one night that I thought I was gonna die.

This is so dumb.

I swear...

Why can't I just save myself without someone thinking I'm just doing this or something else for attention.

Yeah well, maybe I am doing it for attention!

So what!

I hurt myself and now I'm trying to get help!



There will always be one person who thinks I do this for clout or attention.

No matter.

I'll just end it all here.

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5 Nov, 2020
Read Time
1 min
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5.0 (1 review)

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