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Dear Crush, One of These Days.
Dear Crush, One of These Days.

Dear Crush, One of These Days.


Dear crush :

I find myself wondering if it’s going to be your day,

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday,

You hadn’t turned up since that day,

so I cross check in order to locate your name.,

and mentally calculate the days.

I know it’s nothing but an infatuation,

and still I find myself skipping the elevator,

with a hope to run into you,

and that’s making me lose a pound or two.

How so funny is my this obsession,

because you got no clue that I’m crushing on you.

and I’m told that you already got your muse,

Yet here, all this is making me work an hour more,

Because honestly I got two percent knowledge of your subject,

and my brain doesn’t want to be caught clueless in front you,

I hope that doesn’t happen anytime soon.

Although I do wanna say “Thankyou”,

because you have made it all seem so breezy,

even the things which weren’t that easy.

One of these days; If you do catch my gaze transfixed on you,

please do excuse this fool,

It’s unconsciously flowing because of this new found admiration for you.

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About This Story
30 May, 2019
Read Time
<1 min
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