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Dear Mommy

Dear Mommy

By Roxsey123 - 1 Review

Dear Mommy,

I felt the warm feeling of you soft hand on your stomach mommy. You told me you loved and you would do anything for me. I love the sound of your laughter and I can't imagine how beautiful your smile is. I can't see what you look like mommy. I bet daddy is a hard working man who will treat me like a princess. I bet he has a good job and we live in a big house full of toys just for me! I hate it when you cry, I don't like the way you cry and cry all night. I heard daddy yell at you the other day and I didn't know why. Was it my fault? Did I do something wrong? I can't do anything, I don't even have any legs or arms.

Dear Mommy,

Right now, you are sitting in the doctors office. I can't tell what you are telling, but you are also crying. What's wrong mommy? What is happening? Why is the doctor taking you into that room? Why is he trying to take me! Mommy, what's happening?! Why are you letting him do this, I thought you loved me! I thought I was going to grow up and have a good life! Why don't you want me! It hurts!

Dear Mommy,

I am that cold spot you felt the other day, I am that feeling someone is watching you. I am a beautiful angel with wings. I float around watching you and daddy. I don't know why this happened, but I have a feeling I did something wrong. You cry all the time now, you drink, you have given up. Daddy left, now he drinks to. You guys aren't happy, was this supposed to be something you were proud of? I don't know why, I thought I was your angel. I thought you had a special place in your heart. All I have to say is, I hope you find your way out of this mess, and you clean up what you have lost

I love you Mommy, Bye.

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3 Dec, 2013
Read Time
1 min
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5.0 (1 review)

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