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Death, Death, Death...

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Death, Death, Death...

By TheNingishzidda

It is, Death, Death, Death.....

It is painful, I mean a rainful, I hear the sigh thickness, I need a rainboat. Why so much pain in the eyes of grief, but a joy to the wickness of man? You see one try to run from it, you see one may rush it, and you have few that will accept it. But none can defeat it; it is all around you, and it is part of the play. It is apart of the game, it is and happens to everyone whether you want to accept it or not, Death, Death, Death. Murder, my victim has been slain from another episode, to to beaten crushed on bad road. Death has gotten the end of me, I am feeling the wheel turn from the right to the left like a closed fountain, loaded with water, rocks and minerals, it has been leaking once, maybe five, eight, or nine, I shall keep counting. Death, please do me a favor? move please; move me higher, the plane I am filled in hate I want some higher flame, highly attained mind peace, let me escape the walk of shame. Deathtake, deathquake, swallow my shallow ends. This Death has got the top of my beginnings. Get it my beginnings. No, death can take the breath of this quest from me. My quest to elevate, but death can remove what is on the west of me. The darkness, the shadows, my heartless side I constantly resemble everytime my eyes see its own reflection. The unspoken, but vibrant and noisy river that drips, drips and continuosly leak with out ever have to worry about overcoming a shortage. These minds need a 12 level storage, let the rows continue to extend out like the Big bang. This one is no theory is necessary, it is facts that is engraved in the roots of the floor once you step out these double sliding doors that comes with a soft touch of infatuation. Do not let you curiousity get the best of you in these catacombs, you might lock yourself in with these ill faded feelings that comes onto you for drinking to much of the screw juice. Because if you continue to roam in these "private areas" of the dark mind you may be consume to your own destined fate. What three things you hear when you down hear? Death, Death, Death.... So you still insist in playing in your own grave? Didn't Kain tell you what you are in for if you do not make an immediate exit? Let me assist you here, you see in this Glass home you see out but no one can see in. The air you breathe in this area, that is what is going to help you speed up your downfall. Ever breathe you take, your skin darkens, you begin to rot. Do you want to make yous=r way back to the exit now? No.... lets keep move forward why time is taking you fast backwards. HEHEHEHEhahaa! While you continue our gallery walk I will also be preparing your wake and your eulogy as well as your coffin because you are in for your appointment for the obituaries. Lets see um, yea this air that surrounds you will be an odorless, lets say Carbon monoxide. Hey, you sir , you know you going the wrong direction, don.t make me shoot you! You know what go ahead and walk it off you will be grounded before your life floats to the all. You all dying tonight, but how isthe question. Left, right, left, right, up, down, up, down, you all fall down! Now you all rise to your destination. Death, Death, Death.....

Author Notes: Copy Right of Prince Ningishzidda Ali's "Lost Articles of Kain."


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About This Story
18 Jul, 2017
Read Time
3 mins
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