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Dying Before Death

Dying Before Death

By sorrynotsorry

No one is coughing

As the birds keep on chirping.

The leaves are staying on

And the trunk is not burning.


Not one person will cough

As the birds stop chirping.

The leaves are falling off

Because the trunk is now burning.


You pushed me past the line I set

Then got angry when it was a match well met.

No one notices, no one cares,

When the slits on my wrist become my own personal dares.


You think I’m dumb.

Stupid really, the war’s just begun.

Well I’ll tell you something-

A rhyme, a riddle,

It seems the amount you care is now very little.


They tell me to kill myself, and guess what, you do too.

Oh, everyone, if only they knew.

That my heart was the birds,

My life, the leaves.

And you, dear friend started the fire at the base of the tree.

Author Notes: I think I did a good job on this poem-
The line "It seems the amount you care is now very little." was originally "As I plunge the knife down deep into my middle" but that seemed like a tad bit overkill

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About This Story
6 Dec, 2016
Read Time
<1 min
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